Activities and partners products

  • Workshops  and partners’ products

    Taking the quiz 

    Our Students took the quiz about   e – safety  knowledge and got their certificate  of completion  the test with success 

    Link of the quiz : forum : QUIZ about e safety rules




    lithuanian team;

    Link :



    Watching and commenting video ( digital literacy ) 

    Link of the this activity  :Forum : watching and commenting video






    ( There was a mistake in the title video commenting ) 


    Students products voting 

    Our stuydents voted only for the posters and flyers , as the work mostly done by students'partners 






    Main and meaningful   products 

    Mind map 


    Brainstorming ( Mind map ) : how to be safe online ?al  ahd el jedid prep school and les ecoles ideales , Nabeul , Tunisia 



    Power point presentation done by our german partner about the password security

    Kastell Realshule Welzheim  Germany 


    Secure password presentaion.pptx


    Through this link we see the different nice posters done by our students'partners 

    The link :



    Comic strips design 










    EL MANARprep school   Kairouan, Tunisia




    live event ( 8th ,  Feb 2019 ) 

    We run our students'meeting on the 8th of February 2019 , it took place between students from al ahd el jedid , prep school , les les  ecoles ideales ( Nabeul , Tunisia)  and students from smila lycem lider (  Smila , Ukraine ) .

    The rest of the partners could not attend because most of them were on holidays including our students from Tunisia. 

    Program of the live event 

    A mentimeter : How to say goobye in your mother language?

    link of the menti :

    QR  code  : 



    E -safety knowledge 

    Link of the kahoot :

    Copy rights quiz  

    Link of the kahoot :

    Website reliability   

    Link of the kahoot :

    A mentimeter : how to say good bye in your mother language  

    Link of the kahoot :






    Note please 

    The recording of this live event was added in the Twinboard 

    The link if the video :


    Final products 

    In this section , we grouped the work of all our project' partners and who cooperate , collaborate and exchange with us their different experiences and the way they celebrated this event ,via this padlet :


  • other work

    Video Poster design ( Hammam ghezaz , Tunisia )

    An interactive poster done by lycée secondaire Habib Bourguiba , hammam ghezaz , Nabeul , Tunisia

    Dostorming : Posters Voting

    Our students and teachers uploaded their posters designed by their students and voted for the best and the meaningful ones

    Students participating in the dotstorming

    Our students participated in the dotstorming by adding their designed posters ( al ahd el jedid , rommila , prep school Nabeul , Tunisia )

    Webinar ( video) 8/02/2019

    Even most of our students were on holidays we tried to run this live event During which our students tested their knowledge about e-safety through a kahoot

    Posters designed for SID 2019 ( Nabeul , Tunisia )

    A diaporama illustrates the posters done by my students to celebrate the SID 2019 , using postermywall as a tool ( Nabeul , Tunisia )

    Lituanian posters ( Marijampolės Petro Armino progimnazija)

    A diaporama shows the different posters done by the lithuanian partners
    Marijampolės Petro Armino progimnazija, Lithuania

    posters SID 2019 Smila Ukraine

    A diaporama that shows the posters done by students of Lyceum "Lider" Smila Ukraine

    SID 2019 making posters ( Bosnia and Herzegovena , Azra Sose )

    Hand made posters by students ( Osnovna skola" Bijelo Polje"-Potoci) Bosnia and Herzegovina

    SID 2019 posters Salesiano , spain

    Posters done by students of colecio salesiano santo domingo savio , Spain


    the comic strips designed by our turkish partners , in a day of competition to choose the best comic strip among others done in other projects done by the students 'partner

    Celebrating the SID 2019 , Al ahd al jedid prep school , Nabeul , Tunisia

    This diaporama illustrates our participation in the different activities prepared in collaboration for the SID 2019

    A song about e-safety hammam ghezaz , Nabeul , Tunisia

    A song about e-safety proposed by imtihel , student at habib bourguiba secondary school , nabeul , tunisia