7. EU code week participation

  • EU code week 2018 

    About CODE WEEK

    In 2018 EU Code Week took  place between 6 and 21st of  October.

    It is a grass-roots movement that :

    • celebrates creativity
    • problem solving
    • collaboration through programming
    • and other tech activities.

    The idea is to : 

    • Make programming more visible,
    • Show young, adults and elderly how you bring ideas to life with code,
    • Demystify these skills
    • Bring motivated people together to learn


    Coding  helps develop competences such as computational thinking, problem solving, creativity and team work

    Really good skills for all walks of life.

    How we joined the event ? 

    We joined  EU Code Week by organising a coding activity in each partner's   town by  joining the Code Week 4 All Challenge and connecting activities across communities and borders.

    • At first most of our partners joined individually by particpating in other activities , so that to be familiar with the events 
    • We launch a collaborative activity called binary bracelets ,  organized by our greek partner olga keramida , in that event more than 5 countries participated in that collaborative event.





    Name of the event 

    Binary bracelet with QR code integration 


    The link below represents the plan of the lesson we will follow during this event , however we made some changes by  integrating the notion of QR code

    Link of the lesson


    Plan of  the event ( lesson )  


    Binary is extremely important in the world of computers. The majority of computers today store all sorts of information in binary form. This lesson helps demonstrate how it is possible to take something from real life and translate it into a series of ons and offs.


    In this lesson our students will :

    • Learn how information is represented so that a computer can interpret and store it.

    • Have the ability to write codes and share them with their peers as secret messages.
    • This can then be related to the way computers read a program, translate it into binary, use the information in one way or another, and then respond in a way that is understandable to humans.


    Activity 1: How to use the decoder key ?

    Work sheet     

    Link of this activity : 










    • Find the first letter of your first name on the activity sheet.
    • Fill in the squares of a bracelet to match the pattern of the squares next to the letter that you selected.
    • Cut the bracelet out.
    • Tape the bracelet around your wrist to wear it!
    • Share your bracelet with your classmates to see if they can figure out your letter.


    Activity 2: Assessment 

    To learn decoding  messages using the binary decoder key 

    Link of this activity




    • Hand out the assessment worksheet and allow students to complete the activity independently after the instructions have been well explained.
    • This should feel familiar 

    The lesson

    This is the original lesson proposed by the site itself 



    Activity 3: Implication of QR code 

    To learn our students how to use the QR code to decode  messages 


    • QR code into picture  
    • QR code into  binary languague 

    For that reason our students will use QR code reader , application already downloaded  on their  smartphones 

    use the link below :




    Our students taking  their activities  

    Activity 1:  to use the decoder key  



    Activity 2:  assessment  



    Activities  3:

    using the QR code , decryting messages  


    First message  :  QR code first message 



    Second   message  : QR code second  message 

    Solution : http://opn.to/a/ZOHTI

    Other QR code messages 

    Solution :   

    be smart be safe ( screenshot showing the result of the analysis of the QR code ) 


    Solution :  netiquette 

    Activity  4:

    using the QR code , decryting messages, transforming the message into binary language  




    The 1st letter of kids names  ( greek , pylos ) 

    Konstantinos, Nikos, Ioanna, Aris, Basiliki, ....etc 


    Partners event participation 

    See the twinboard 



    These certificates were given as a proof of the collaboration of all registered partners in the same event : coding and e-safety ( be sm@rt be s@fe ) .


    Polaroids animés 5 photos


    Other  events participation  

    Some partners and according to the level of their students ( in secondary specially ) , included besides the main activities of the course lesson  other activities 




    ( certificates of excellence ) 

    To get this certificate any partner should at least participated in three events of EUcode week ( See the twinboard ) 














  • Partners participation in EU code week

    hammam ghezaz ( Nabeul . Tunisia ) participation

    Our students from hammam ghezaz participated in this event and learnt how to use the binary code and the QR code

    first kinder garten pylos , greece

    For our greek kids such activities represents for them one of the best and motivating ones

    Al ahd el jedid , prep school , Nabeul , Tunisia participation

    Our students enjoyed alot these activities and learnt how to use the QR code and its importance

    Al manar prep school , Kairouan , Tunisia

    Our students from al manar prep school activelly participated in the event and other events in relation with the EU code week

    Salobrena ( la caleta lobres ) spain participation

    Our students from spain , even they are adults , they were so motivated to participate in this collaborative event

    Slovenian participation

    Our slovenian partners were so lucky to learn many trucks and ideas about coding through a special training done for this event

    Certificate of excellence : chemingui firas ( Nabeul , Tunisia )

    As we participated in 3 events , one about binary bracelet ( binary code ) and integration of QR code , another about caesar cipher and the last about the use of kahoot and Mentimeter

    EU code week certificate of excellence Francisco Javier L´opez Cazorla , spain

    It was a pleasure to participate in the EU code week and get the chance to cooperate in this event with our project be sm@rt be s@fe partners

    EU code week participation , Al manar prep school , kairouan , Tunisia

    Our students from al manar prep school as all partners have participated in the EU code week in many activities

    Al manar prep school participation in the EU code week , kairouan, Tunisia

    Participation in the EU code week with the lesson named binary bracelet

    EU code week participation al ahd al jedid , Nabeul , Tunisia

    My students worked collaboratively on the same lesson , binary bracelet

    El Manar Prep School Kairouan : Certificate of excellence

    I was honored to get my certificate of excellence for my participation in more than 3 activities during european code week in collaboration with the project partners.

    Certificate of excellence , olga keramida , Pilos Greece

    Obtained this certificate of excellence for running more than 3 EU code week events , one of them in total relation with our project

  • your particpation in the EU code motivates you a lot
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