Survey 4 : cyberbullying short survey

  • Problem of the survey 

    The term of cyber-bullying is now part of the vocabulary widely used to refer to youth violence or to that to which they are potentially subjected when surfing the Internet.

    Electronic communication tools and the Internet open up perspectives and increase opportunities for communication and access to information. They also present risks that can turn into negative or even devastating experiences, whether in the form of harassment, sexual exploitation, or occasional violence (according to the UNICEF report, 2016) .

    Young people are particularly concerned because they are the most connected and their intensive consumption of social networks and SMS disrupts representations and "classic" modes of socialization. While most of the time they engage in harmless activities, risk taking and victimization are not uncommon.

    Thus, we wanted to study such a phenomenon at the level of our children and our students to see, if they are really protected from and / or aware about the effects of this phenomenon.

    • What is the prevalence of cyber harassment in our schools? 
    • What is the sex most affected by the harassment?
    • Is it really that young people are  the most concerned range by cyber-bullying?
    • What about the age of cyber victims?
    • Are our results totally different or similar to other studies?

    The main objectives  

    Through this survey we aim to:

    • Identify the most vulnerable people (age, sex   ) to Cyberbullying .
    • See   how this phenomenon is widespread   in our schools. Inform about the behavior of the bully victim; answering this question prompts us to raise awareness of all parties involved in this subject.  
    • Identify effective strategies and interventions against cyber harassment and transfer them to appropriate health care settings.
    • Know the indicators to identify the people affected by the cyber harassment, in order to offer them an adapted support.
    • Aware   schools about the measures taken at schools to protect our children from this risk and how to behave in the happened case.
    • Educate parents and children about how to protect ourselves from this phenomenon.


    The survey 

    link of the survey: 




    Students answering the survey 

    Kairouan ,Tunisia El Manar Prep School