Students' activities during the second phase period 2018/2019
1. Writing our profiles in a padlet and in a forum.
2. Taking the survey
3. Sudents interviewing adults about e-safety
Lithuanian team is interviewing adults about e-safety by Slidely Slideshow
4. Live event 13th November, 2018
Live event: 13th November, 2018 by Slidely Slideshow
5. Creating safe passwords
6.Main clues websites evaluation
7. Comics by Lithuanian team
8. My student's first hour of code certificate!
9. Our opinions about stories
10. Our New Year Wishes
New Year Wishes, by edita_m
11. Lithuanian video about creating a secure password
12. Working on ideas ho to use a secure password
13. SID 2019
Our Certificates
14.Marijampolės Petro Armino Progymnasium, Lithuania
Results on mentimeter
15. Lithuanian team working on secure and insecure websites.
16. Our certificates about reliable and unreliable websites
Our Kahoot results about reliable websites
17. Webinar
18. Our Netiquette posters
19. Survey 3 : Internet addiction
20. Students opinions and expectations about the project
21. Lithuanian team is working on Internet addiction
Digital safety tasks
Our live meeting 3rd June, 2019