10. Surveys and Quizes

  • Objective of these surveys and quizes 

    Seen  the number of concepts to be addressed in this project, we have introduced a quite   number of quizzes and surveys , two very popular learning techniques, which allow us to well evaluate the different concepts of this project ,   for the speed, efficiency and diversity of the memorization of these concepts by our respondents and more specifically our students.



    Students and in some cases adults ( parents and teachers specially ) will pass these surveys to evaluate their knowldge about some important  concepts 

    Survey 1

    To evaluate the  basic knowledge of our students about internet security 

    Survey 2

    To evaluate the basic knowledge of Adults ( parents , teachers , headmasters and members of the society ) about internet and their relation with their children /our students 

    Survey 3

    Degree evaluation  of cyber addiction on the base of the scale established by Sarah klimberg young 

    Survey 4

    A short survey was introduced to  evaluate   the concept of cyber bullying , in front of the high numbers of cyberbullied teenagers and students at schools .



    To make these different concepts studied in this project more accessible and to facilitate the objectives of awareness that a number of tests or quizzes  were set up either through the forum and /or   videoconferences (Kahoot, Learning App or Mentimeter quizziz )

    • Internet security
    • How to create secure password ? 
    • Copy rights and data protection:

              Are you a pirate ?  

    • Test about e-safety  ( Proposed by our Lithuanian partner ) for the SID 2019
    • How to be safe on line?  ( created by our Slovenian on www.proprofs.com) for the SID 2019