2nd Transnational Meeting in Frankfurt, Germany

  • concluding the project, meeting, documents, descriptions


    2nd transnational project meeting
    May 20th, 2019 |Frankfurt am Main, Germany


    During the one (1) day transnational project meeting in Germany, the project partners had opportunity to experience wonderful German hospidality, culture and food.

    In details the description of work, that was held during the 2nd transnational project meeting event in Germany, included of:

    • Evaluating the evaluation reports on a local level;
    • Observing the entire project activities;
    • Evaluating the surveys;
    • Filling in the final report with the Mobility Tool;
    • Organising a sustainable programme on a local level.

    According to all participants, the activities have been successfully implemented.

    Documents from the meeting downloadable here:

    • 2nd transnational project meetings agenda: 


    • MINUTES and participant list with signatures: 

    Minutes and participant list with signatures 20.05.2019.pdf


    Participant list: 




    1. Cenap Sahabettin Ilkokulu: Kemal Sirin

    2. Gradinita cu Program Prelungit nr. 8: Silvia Frîncu, Valerica Stanciu

    3. ΔΕΣ - DES (Interactive European School): Maria Iris Sofikiti, Aliki Chortaroudi

    4. Nõlvaku Lasteaed: Karolin Kabanen, Merle Perm


    During the meeting, the following topics where discussed:


    agenda items

    1.evaluating the evaluation reports on a local level

    Discussion: Local level participant evaluation reports summary was presented by Karolin Kabanen. Some project results raised somewhat uncertainty in the partners. Mostly all of the project activities where implimented and done in a timly manner. Some partners still needed to write articles and distribute leaflet to local authorities and schools. Also the eTwinning page needs to be updated with the latest results. The participant evaluation summary report is accessable  thru this link: https://nolvakulasteaed-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/karolin_kabanen_nolvakulasteaed_ee/EbFxXW61wn1Pp97jUYqCuVUBommdb1NO_s3OKZ9s2UoU-Q?e=DEh3sy

    Downloadable here: 

    1 - ILS Summary of the evaluation reports and observing the project activities 20.05.2019.pptx


    2.observing the entire project activities 

    Discussion: The partners agreed that no big issues with implementing of the project came up. The biggest problem that the partner teachers faced was understanding the technology club activities, as the opportunities with using different technological devices in teaching activities is very different in each country. Other club activites where understood and implementable for all teacher. Based on the feedback of participating teachers the I love science project was liked and regarded as a great learning and teaching opportunity for the teachers. Participating teachers stated, that they would be very happy to participate in future Erasmus+ projects and they are now more then ever motivated to carry on developing their proffessional skills. The main motivations for teachers in taking part in this Erasmus+ mobility was to acquire knowledge and specific know-how from good practice abroad. By participating in this Erasmus+ activity the teachers felt they mostly developed their cultural awareness of other countries and expression skills. 92% of the teachers believe they have improved their skills in the main foreign language (english) used during the mobility activity. The teachers also feel they have increased their job satisfaction thanks to the project activities implemented. The teachers stated that the activities have led to better motivation of children in learning activities. The teachers survey analyses is reachable thru this link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1p2e6I5ocIKDjo4USU1p-utBMuIOR_SZI7zto-o9w7fc/viewanalytics

    3.evaluating the surveys: 

    Discussion: Presentation about the initial and final questionnaire comparison (by Karolin Kabanen) was presented. On average the childrens knowledge in all the countries about project countries and specific project related topics was 56% out of 100. After the implementation of the I love science project the same results from all the countries was 95%. From that we can conclude, that the project has been very successful. The initial and final questionnaire results report is reachable thru this link: https://nolvakulasteaed-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/karolin_kabanen_nolvakulasteaed_ee/EXVWxOdt05xBgcumORqOogEBOCOMt5xWf0EUaA5acrm4rA?e=Yhoehh

    Downloadable here: 

    5 - Initian and final questionnaire report.xlsx


    Karolin Kabanen presented the project meetings evaluation questionnaire summary report. All in all it can be stated, that the participating teachers concluded that the meetings were very fell built, interesting, of great learning value and held a great opportunity to learn about other cultures and to build lasting friendships with teachers from other countries across Europe. The preparation and role of welcoming kindergartens was mostly rated very good. Also the working places, information provided before arrival, the activity plan was balanced and the activities were achieved according to the panned agenda. Only 50 % of the participating teachers stated that the food provided was very good and it was also stated tht the communication between partners might have been some what difficult, as not all the participating teachers were fluent enough in English to communicate. In the general evaluation 79% of the teachers stated, that the project can be rated very good, 17% stated that it was good. The meetings evaluation questionnaire summary can be reached thru this link:


    Downloadable here: 

    2 - ILS! Meetings Evaluation Questionnaire Summary Report 2019.pptx


    4.filling in the final report with the mobility tool: 

    Discussion: Filling in the Mobility Tools beneficiary report means, that:

    • Every country has to fill their own report in the Mobility Tool
      • Log in to Mobility Tool               REPORTS                      BENEFICIARY REPORTS  

    GENERATE BENEFICIARY REPORT (Final Beneficiary Report for 2017-1-EE01-KA219-034878_1)

    • The report can be started already now as a DRAFT, but you are not allowed to submit it before the end of 31/08/2019
    • Every national agency will send you the instructions on how to fill in the report page
    • Every partner has 60 days to complete the beneficiary report (until 30.10.2019). All the partners agreed that the deadline to fill in their report is 27.09.2019
    • While submitting the report all the details in the Mobility Tools budget section need to be filled accordingly
    • When all the partners have submitted their reports the Estonian agency will send a full report to EU (usually the agency ask for specific information from the partners, that is still needs.  This process can take up to 2-3 months)
    • If everything is correctly inserted and all the given information is given, then the final payment to your school will be made (might be even in December or January 2020)

    5.organising a sustainability program on a local level:

    Discussion: All the project partners introduced their sustainability programs to the partners.

    Sustainability program in Nõlvaku Kindergarten (by Karolin Kabanen) is available here: https://nolvakulasteaed-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/karolin_kabanen_nolvakulasteaed_ee/EbPpTuG_2TNBgYXTMEapm2EB8f2XWp3GV4LSUkvORI_vbg?e=iCiNBt

    Downloadable here: 

    3 - ILS! Nõlvaku Kindergarten sustainability program 2019.pptx


    Sustainability program in Cenap Sahabettin Ilkokulu (by Kemal Sirin) is available here: https://nolvakulasteaed-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/karolin_kabanen_nolvakulasteaed_ee/EZq3e4IUcE5EoEWBZT5g3bkBXMAboX5EVzLAd5ePq3D99Q?e=fBRe8w

    Downloadable here: 

    Cenap Şahabettin İlkokulu - a short presentation about the sustainability of ILS 2019.pptx

    Sustainability program in Gradinita cu Program Prelungit nr.8 (by Silvia Frîncu) is available here: https://nolvakulasteaed-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/karolin_kabanen_nolvakulasteaed_ee/EZcqrXz9PPtEka-L8Hy4HOkBENY0SEOEo0hrSLFbI-JyqA?e=dVzGsP 

    ROMANIA 2th transnational meeting.pptx

    Sustainability program in ΔΕΣ (by Maria Iris Sofikiti) is available here: https://nolvakulasteaed-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/karolin_kabanen_nolvakulasteaed_ee/ERUeTieiclxGsGznktJObEQBf-nnvNGZJUPdJg0ICFAZMA?e=HUUUy2 

    GREEK Sustainability.pptx