
  • Our daily routine...

    In my school we study: English, Maths, Science , P.E. , Latin, History , Physics , Italian, Religion , Phylosophy and Art.  We go to school every day except on Sunday.

    Lessons start at 8 o’clock and finish at 1:00 p.m. . At 10 we have a break time so we eat a snack or a toast and we go to the toilette. There isn’t a canteen in my school  because we haven’t afternoon classes but we also have projects. We have a school timetble and it is divided into five hours, for example : On Monday my classmates and I have one hour of Physics , one of English , two hours of Maths and one of Art. We usually go to the Art laboratory when there is art lesson or to the Science laboratory during Science lesson, we usually do our English lesson in laboratory instead during P.E. lesson we go to the gym.

    My typical school day is: I usually wake up at 7:00 o’clock , I have a shower and then I have breakfast finally I go to the bus station and I take the bus to go to school because my school is in an other town. I arrive at school at 7:50 and  lessons start at 8. After two hours of lessons I have a break so I go to the toilette or to the distributors. During the first hour of lesson I’m usually tired but after the break time I feel better. At 1:00 p.m. when the bell rings lessons finish and I go to take the bus to come back home.