
  • The Importance of a Morning Routine

    Before we jump into the habits, let's take a moment and talk about the benefits of a morning routine. For starters, people are the most productive when they wake up, and setting up a routine ensures that they maintain that level of productivity for longer periods of time.

    Following a system when you first wake up, means you’ll have more time to reflect in a quiet atmosphere and it gives you the opportunity to be organized for the rest of the day. More importantly, this daily habit helps you create energy and the right “mindset” to tackle the challenges of a busy day.

    10 Things to do daily to be more organized


    Form good organizational habits and be organized everyday by incorporating the following into your personal daily routine. A solid routine is essential in helping you to be organized every day, and feel in control of everything you need to cross off your to do list.

    • Leave your keys in the same spot.
    • Follow a routine.
    • Create and cross off a checklist.
    • Carry a small notebook.
    • Check your online bank balance.
    • Do the dishes.
    • Declutter your wallet.
    • Spend 2-5 minutes on your meal plan.
    • Lay out your clothes for the next day.
    • Prep the launch pad.


    Young people’s routine

    A teenager daily routine consists of waking up early to get to school, taking a shower, getting dressed and most importantly having breakfast.

    Then, it's high time to go to the best school in the country; ZARCO!

    They have classes during the day, most students just have classes in the morning but some can leave school at 5 or 6 p.m. Then they go to home, or to football, swimming or dance trainings.

    Later on they have dinner, talk to their family about the school day and watch TV, before brushing their teeth and goin g to bed.

    At weekends, teenagers go out with their friends and study for the tests.


    Parents’ daily routine

    There is no doubt that the parents have harder tasks to accomplish than their children, like having to wake them up, prepare meals and take them to schhol and other activities. Afterwards, they go to work, have lunch and in the afternoon they pick up their children from school, take them home, prepare dinner and if the children are very young put them to bed. When the children are already sleeping, parents talk a little bit, watch some TV and try to relax before going to bed, recharging batteries for the next day.


    Adults’ daily routine

    On weekdays, I wake up at twenty past seven, but I get up at half past seven. I have a shower, and then I have breakfast. I usually have a white coffee and toast for breakfast, but some days I have biscuits instead! After breakfast, I get dressed and I go to work at quarter past eight. I walk to the train station, that's about ten minutes. I get the train at half past eight and I get to my destination at ten to nine, and then I walk to office.

    I start work at nine. I have lunch in my office. I often have a sandwich and a piece of fruit. Sometimes I have a chocolate bar, too! After work, I go shopping for food and things for the house. I get home before half past seven. I rest a bit, and then I do some housework. At about nine I cook dinner for my family and me. We usually have dinner at half past nine. After that, we watch TV or I read a book. I usually go to sleep in front of the TV set or while reading the book! I'm very tired!

    I go to bed at midnight.

    At the weekend, my day is much better! I sleep more and I relax. Sometimes I go out for a drink with friends or my family and I go out for a meal. Once a month we go on a day trip to the countryside or the mountain. We need to breathe fresh air! Sometimes I stay home, and I listen to music, or watch films or TV series with my family. I also like drawing and dancing! Sometimes I go dancing with my friends. It's fun! On Sunday evening I usually read a bit, mainly novels!

    Elderly daily routine


    Although I’m 65 years old, I have an accelerated routine.

    My life always took place around the children, as a teacher, as a woman and a mother, professionally I feel fulfilled.

    Abut now, about my daily routine…

    I wake up at 7 o’clock, I have breakfast quietly, I talk to my husband enthusiastically about the projects for the day.

    Then I make the toilet and I leave home, always in a good mood.

    I go to work and every day there’s something to solve; in a while it’s already midday.

    I have lunch. The time goes by very fast.

    At night… I enjoy especially having dinner with my husband;

    we talk about what happened during the day, about both the national and international news. We leave table at about eleven o’clock.

    I sit on the couch and I read, I read a little every day, because I love reading.

    Around midnight I fall asleep and l dream, just like I did when I was younger.

    At weekends I go out with my husband, and family or I stay home reading or talking with my husband about economy or business.

    Most of the time I stay at home watching a film with him.  

    Ana Rita Fangueiro & Margarida Barbosa, 11th11


    Carlos Faustino and João Vasconcelos - 11th 12


    We´re Carlos and João and we´re here today to talk about our daily routine. To begin, we wake up and we take our breakfast, which is cookies and milk with bacon, then we brush our teeth and we go to school on our skateboards, together.

    When we arrive at school, we go straight to the classroom, because we´re always late and that´s why our teachers are always yelling at us. When the bell rings we go to the buffet and we eat something and come back again to the classroom.

    After that we go home again to have lunch and rest a little bit before going back to school.

    We´ve to be in the classroom all afternoon because we´ve projects to plan and finish. At 5 o´clock, we go home and prepare ourselves to work out.

    We like to keep fit and think that this is good for our health and physical appearence.

    After that we go home. Then we´ve dinner with our families, talk about our day and try to solve some problems. If we have time, we watch a film or play computer games.
