Dissemination France

  • Follow the project on our school website! Suivez le projet sur le site du collège!


    13th of October 2017: Erasmus days at Edouard Herriot! 

    Students presented the "Full STEAM ahaed" project to M. Surig, DASEN of our académie. They presented the project and their recent mobility to Croatia. M. Surig was very impressed and congratulated them for their work and implication in this Erasmus project. Then students presented their project to other students of the school . They had really great feedbacks!


    15th of September 2017, presentation to volunteers teachers of the activities planned for the second year, the meeting have been organised during lunch break, out of 40 teachers, 15 were interested and 10 came. Presentation and discussion were about the schedule of the activites, who will be in charge of some activities...



    14th of September 2017, presentation to the families of the program for our mobility to Croatia, Miss Dustens (vice headmister) ,MissDesmoissons (coordinator of the project for the french team), Mister Besnard (PE teacher) and Mister Saillet(Math teacher), presented the program for the "croatian week". All the families were there and were very enthousiastic while earing all the activities planned for their kids!

    here the Prezi presented:


    7th of July 2017, during the last staff meeting of the school year, Misses Desmoissons, Chen and Mister Cazal, presented (using Prezi) the first year of the project. They had  very good feedbacks! Some teachers then agreed to get involved in some activities during the second year!


    On the 6th of July, the new french team met. The all day was dedicated to a "hackathon" while the students of the new team had to work on the project. They were hosted by the "canope28" in Chartres, which is charge of developping ICT tools in our departement and academy. They provided us computers, conference room and precious advices about how using some webtools as "Canva".

    The God-father of the project, Jean-Pierre Lebreton came especially form Orléans (back from the US and just before going to China) to help the students. We all spend a great day! 


    From the 19 to the 21st of May 2017, Miss Desmoissons as an eTwinning ambassador attented to the National eTwinning conference in Bordeaux. Over a hundred ambassadors from all the French territories were there. During teambuilding activities, Miss Desmoissons presented "Full STEAM ahead" project. 

    21th of April 2017, back from our meeting in Portugal, the French students were interviewed by the journalist from the "echo Republicain" about theirs feeelings and baout what they learned so far!

    young Marsonautes interviewed back from Portugal


    Exhibition in the school corridor


    20th of March, about 100 students of the college Edouard Herriot participated to a live session with Thomas Pesquet from the ISS! All the "full STEAM ahead" team attended that fantastic visioconference! Our friends from Ireland also get the chance to see it!





    24th of January 2017, parents and students meeting . Miss Desmoissons, with the help of Miss Chen and Mister Cazal presented the organisation and various activities planned. Here is the flipbook (created on flipscnack) shown... click on it and read it !

     October 2016, In the school Library, with the help of Miss Chen Bleuenn (librarian teacher), students created and dipalyed posters about our partners in this project. 

    September 2016, our project Full STEAM ahead! was mentionned in the Regional newspaper ! Mister Dubois, journalist, agreed to follow us during this 2 years project! Here is the first article presenting the project to the local community (about 106 000 readers/day!)!



    Etwinning national conference de desmoissons