ASTRONOMY ACTIVITIES - World Space week 2016

  • World space week is being celebrated from 04. October to 10. october each year. This year we organized a number of interesting workshops.


    WORKSHOP 1: "Did we really fall from Mars?" The students had to explore and reasearch using a lot of books, magazines, photos, models of the planets and the Solar system, interenet. It took us a few days to prepare for the workshop.
    The young students wanted to know some of the interesting facts about our universe and specifically planet Mars.

    We really loved doing research and making of the educational poster. We had a lot of fun!!
    Here is one interesting fact!
    On Mars we would be half our age cause one year on Mars lasts 687 days!

    WORKSHOP 2: "Mars day"

    Second grade students had a special day on Thursday, October 6th, 2016. The whole day was filled with a variety of activities: a number of space related workshops, watching a documentary "Planet Mars"; making rockets and the solar system, writing messages to aliens, solving riddles and tasks about the universe.

    Učenici 2.a razeda su imali poseban dan u četvrtak 06.listopada 2016. Cijeli dan su sudjelovali u tematskim radionicama posvećenim svemiru: gledali dokumentarni film "Planet Mars"; izrađivali raketu, planete sunčavog sustava, pisali poruke vanzemaljcima, rješavali razne pitalice i zadatke o svemiru. A za vrijeme produženog boravka sudjelovali su u aktivnosti:
    Prvo su čitali i upoznavali se sa raznim zanimljvim činjenicama o svemiru. A nakon što su pročitali nekoliko zanimljivih svemirskih priča, koje se nalaza ne web portalu Space Scoop, i oni sami su se upustili u izrađivanje vlastitih svemirskih stripova

    WORKSHOP 3: "Making an astronaut space suit"

    Fourth grade students designed an astronaut space suit using PVC bags and other disposable materials. They learned how a space suit works and about all the parts it contains.


    WORKSHOP 4: "Starry skies"

    The first grade students also learned about space. After a discussion about space everyone agreed that they are fascinated about stars. Everyone talked about their stargazing of the night sky and all the forms and constellations they recognized.  We built fantasy stars using silver aluminum foil that we cut in different shapes to build a starry sky in our classroom.

    Prvašići obilježili Svjetski tjedan svemira!
    Nakon razgovora o svemiru, najviše su nas oduševile zvijezde. Djeca su iznosila svoje doživljaje pri ljetnom promatranju zvjezdanog neba. Govorila su na što ih zvijezde podsjećaju i na kraju smo se odlučili za izradu zvjezdica iz mašte. Upotrijebili smo srebrnu foliju koju smo rezali u različite oblike kako bi probližili zvjezdano nebo našoj učionici.

    WORKSHOP 5: Educational roomescape in the classroom "Mars escape"!

    We designed and organized the first educational escaperoom in the classroom in Croatia. We held one ecah day once or twice during the WSW. The students loved it. We had 7 teams of 10 students competing to escape the room and win a prize. It was very fun and educational, cause each clue was a riddle about Mars. Clues consisted of Google forms, QR codes, Videos and math puzzles.


    WORKSHOP 6:"Through STARS to MARS" !

    Third grade designed an educational game called "Through STARS to MARS". This interesting game that guides the player on his journey from Earth to Mars.  The player learns interesting facts about Mars and our infinite universe.

    3.a razred obilježio je Svjetski tjedan svemira izradom edukacijske igrice "Through STARS to MARS". Ova zanimljiva, zvjezdana igrica vodi igrača da putuje od Zemlje sve do Marsa i na tom putu uči i spoznaje nove sadržaje o beskrajnom svemiru.


    WORKSHOP 7: Space scoop comics

    Space Scoop Comics
    Grade: 2 a
    On Thursday, October 6th, pupils participated in an all-day space workshop. One of the activities was reading interesting facts about space. After reading a few stories from the Space Scoop web page students created their own comics based on what they have read.