Comments from host families, teachers, others



    De la mobilité en Bulgarie, de très belles images me restent. Parmi les plus émouvantes, celles du spectacle final, qui pour moi reflètent parfaitement la culture bulgare : vivante, généreuse, pittoresque et révélant un beau métissage des cultures occidentales et orientales de l’Europe. Bravo et merci pour ce partage !

    Of the mobility in Bulgaria, very touching images remain in me, among which the final show. It reflects perfectly the Bulgarian culture: lively, generous and mixed culture between eastern and western Europe. Bravo and a lot of thanks for sharing!

    Alexandra NOEL, School Librarian


    We can add on this page articles and contributions of host families, teachers and every other person involved in the activities of the project.


    This is what the family of an Italian student feels about their experience of hosting a partner student:

    Questo progetto ci ha dato l'opportunità di ospitare un ragazzo splendido chiamato Grégoire. È stata la prima volta in cui abbiamo ospitato un ragazzo straniero ed è stato bellissimo perché abbiamo confrontato le nostre culture e abitudini. Lui all'inizio era un po' timido ma già dal secondo giorno è stato come un altro figlio  ed è stato un vero piacere averlo con noi. Se ci dovesse essere l'occasione  lo ospiteremmo sicuramente altre volte.

    This project gave us the opportunity to host an amazing guy called Grégoire. It has been the first time that we have hosted a foreign guy and it has been beautiful because we compared our cultures and costumes. At first, he was a little bit shy but from just the second day he has been like another son for me and it has been a pleasure to have him in our family. If there was going to be the opportunity, we are going to host him again!

    Paola Tralli's parents

    France – “One moment only”
    One project – e-Day car /electric car of the future/.
    Three partnering schools from three completely different countries – France, Italy and Bulgaria.
    One Dream Team of 15 students and 3 teachers from PTG “Tsar Simeon Veliki”- Targovishte.
    One week /21.02.2015–2
    7.02.2015/ spent in Institut Lemonnier in Caen   /France/and passed like a single moment…

    Fatme Mehmedova-Hyusein

    Моите емоции като родител в проекта „Е-day car ” са толкова   противоречиви - отговорност, необичайни ситуации   и забавление. Отговорност към дете  пристигнало  от друга  държава, с друг манталитет и възприятия .От друга страна - чувствата, проблемите и надеждите  на детето ми. Te  ме окуражаваха  за съвместното съжителстване с  французин. За мен  първият и най-голям проблем беше езика, ситуациите, в които неизбежно  използвах жестове. Представих и финалния концерт в Младежкия дом с жестове. Концертът беше изключително добър, вълнуващ за мен, моя син и нашия гост.

    Майка на Десиан

    My impressions as a parent on the project „E-day car” are   so contradictory - responsibility,unusually situations  and entertainment.The responsibility to kid came from other country with another mantality and perceptions,too.On another hand -the feelings,  problems and hopes of  my child occurred during a week coexistence with Frenchman.For me the first and  the biggest problem was the language,situations in which inevitably having use gestures . I presented  the final concert of project in Youth Centre with gestures, again.The concert was exclusively good ,exciting  for me,my son  and our  guest.

    Desian’s mother


    Once –in- a- lifetime –experience

    As if it was yesterday when our headmaster Mr. Nikolov announced that our school was approved to be a partner in the project „e-Day car: Sustainable Mobility and Culture“. It’s been our first European project that’s why the excitement and persistence we’ve been trying to work are immense.

    No doubt that this project is a unique possibility for the students to improve their skills, such as communication, teamwork, taking the initiative, decision making and many more...

    Galina Marinova

    E-Day Car Project: remarkable idea from many aspects

    High-school students desire to work on environmentally friendly electrical car development project is heartwarming

    A few months ago, I had the pleasure to make a presentation about glass production to a multinational young audience.  This was within the framework of E-Day Car Project’s Bulgaria visit activities to which the company I have been working for wanted to contribute. I was extremely happy to be part of this project that I find quite exceptional.

    Nurdzhan Mustafova

    Participated as a mentor to the E-Day Car Project