Magic Square.

  • This page hosts productions showing magic tricks based on a math principle:

    a first document shows how to perform the trick and the second proves the reason why the trick will always work.


    January 2017: The Bulgarian students aged 16-17 years present you magic square. For your pleasure you can download the program which we made.

    In the magic square you arrange whole numbers from 1 to 9, so that the sum in the rows, columns and diagonals is equal to 15.


    What can we expect if:

    1. Arrange the whole numbers from 11 to 19;

    2. Arrange successively whole numbers: k, k+1 ...............k+8

    3. Arrange successively even numbers: 2k, 2k+2...........................2к+16

    4. Arrange successively odd numbers: 2k+1, 2k+3...................2к+17

    5. Arrange successively members of arithmetic progression: a, a+d………..a+8d

    6. What is the common between these layouts and can we design a formula for the amount of rows, columns and diagonals?

    7. How to change the requirement if we arrange successively members of the geometric progression?

    March 2017, Dear Bulgarian partners,

    We tried your magic trick but we don't won, we continue to try to win. Maybe the number 15 is your favorite number?

    Try our magic trick! This is a little bit different, you have to choose your number and this is a square with 16 boxes. We are waiting for your reaction, maybe you can film your performance!

    The next video speak about the magic trick called "Magic Square", we try to found the same number in all rows, all columns and all diagonals.

    Axel, Gabriel, Chloé, Elodie and Clarisse

    A second presentation held by Gabriel as a recap on the Magic Square subject for examinaition.

    May 2017

    A team of French students is answering, Axel, Gabriel, Chloé, Clément, Thomas, Martin, Ambre, Gabriel.

    What can we expect if:

    1. Arrange the whole numbers from 11 to 19;

    11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

    2. Arrange successively whole numbers: k, k+1 ...............k+8

    k+1, k+2, k+3, k+4, k+5, k+6, k+7, k+8

    3. Arrange successively even numbers: 2k, 2k+2...........................2к+16

    2k+2, 2k+4, 2k+6, 2k+8, 2k+10, 2k+12, 2k+14, 2k+16

    4. Arrange successively odd numbers: 2k+1, 2k+3...................2к+17

    2k+3, 2k+5, 2k+7, 2k+9, 2k+11, 2k+13, 2k+15, 2k+17

    5. Arrange successively members of arithmetic progression: a, a+d………..a+8d

    a+d, a+2d, a+3d, a+4d, a+5d, a+6d, a+7d, a+8d

    6. What is the common between these layouts and can we design a formula for the amount of rows, columns and diagonals?

    7. How to change the requirement if we arrange successively members of the geometric progression?

    Work is on process to give you more next week....

    June 2017

    French students needed time to get the point in the Bulgarian questions and they finally succeed, for a deeper understanding. Not ONE magic square but infinitely MANY...Thank you Bulgaria!