Let's celebrate the Pi week and algebra together !
For this special event, we collaborate around 6 experimentations about Pi, and we whare our discoveries online !
Find information about Pi and create a poster showing the different ways to find Pi.
Experimentations at school :
The needles of BUFFON
Throw a set of needles or matches on a striped floor ;
The MonteCarlo method and beans :
Throw a set of beans in a square with a quarter of a circle inscribed ;
The Pi necklace :
Use a different color for each number from 0 to 9 and create a pearl necklace following the shape of the sequence of digits ;
Pi in Pie :
Find the number of each digit in the first 1000 digits of pi, and draw a circular diagram with their frequencies
Tennis can problem
Students are given a tennis ball can filled with three tennis balls. They are to determine a relationship between the circumference of one tennis ball and the height of the can.
Toilet paper problem
Students are given a roll of toilet paper. They are to determine a relationship between one tour of paper and the number of diameter this stripe holds.