Project description
Break the ice ! Play with our teams !
Let's play with French students !
Polish students and games
Icelandic Students
Questionnaires about european kids
Polish scenarios
Icelandic scenarios
French scenarios
*** ChristmasChat ***
*** Logo challenge ***
*** 360° Lab ***
Erasmus - Iceland vs. Poland - icelandic teams
*** Collaborative biographies in international teams ***
*** eTwinnningDay ***
*** Timeline : History of Maths ***
1. History of numbers : from natural to complex numbers
French Presentations n°1
French Lesson n°1
Polish lesson 6.01.2017 Muszyna
2. Share a number which is the most interesting for you?
Polish students at work !
French Students at work !
Icelandic students at work !
3-4 What was the way of counting in the past? How do we count nowadays? - presentation of counting tools.
Videoconference challenges
From old Soroban to Android App
5.How to calculate faster? - a discovery of logarithms.
// MEETING in Swarzędz (PL) April 2017 \\
The Exhibition of Counting Tools
- 1st Year Evaluation -
- 1st Year final products -
Second year of project
Warming up
New french students !!
1. Flatland : Discover the world in 2D
A live concert at Flatland <3
2. From the 2D to the 3D
3. Meet the Platonic Solids in 3D
4. Eratosthenes & Earth
5. Presentations about solids
// MEETING in Hafnafjordur (ISL) November 2017 \\
1. Algebra and Viète XVI
2. Algebra and Descartes XVII
// MEETING in Charleville-M (FR) May 2018 \\
3. Algebra and Evariste Galois XVIII
4. Algebra and Pi
5. The MATH 3.0 Timeline in Augmented Reality
Polish students at work !
The most often chosen number was the gold number !