1. How to calculate faster? - a short story about discovery of logarithms.
Especially multiplication was difficult to make it faster - it brought a discovery of logarithms. Thanks to charts invented by Napier multiplication could be replaced by addition. It was effective especially for big numbers.
2. First steps
- Calculate a few examples of powers and roots.
- Provide a few examples of equations
and let students guess the value of the exponent x.
- Definition of logarithm. Calculate a few simple examples.
3. Introduction to the properties of logarithms:
- Logarithm of a power,
- Logarithm of a product,
- Logarithm of a ratio,
- Changing the base of a logarithm.
Solving sample exercises.
4. Examples of the practical use of logarithms.
5 Homework:
Prepare a quiz on Kahoot platform to play between teams
First version of that lesson which took place in Polish school a month before the meeting in Swarzędz it shown below
Here you can find presentations used during the lesson