Project Objectives and exchange of strategies




    European and National:

    COUNTRIES’ INITIAL NEEDS: (from the application form)

    • Germany: enhance technical affinity with the girls and foster digitalization
    • It’ll be interesting to see modern equipment at work in our partner schools, which is the main topic where we can profit from the Erasmus+ project.
    • Spain
    • Greece: The primary concern of the school’s teachers is to motivate students to develop interests beyond the Olympic Village, to broaden their mind and stimulate them to become active citizens. It is our deep goal as teachers to inquire for innovative actions and to exchange good practices with our colleagues. Develop Students communication skills andperceive Europe as they 'll exchange ideas and information from different cultural background, and be imbued with diverse customs and traditions. Become active citizens, do engage in collective activities and develop democratic thought and social awareness.


    • France: teaching diplomacy and democratic participation. As we live on an island, it is not easy for our students to imagine themselves as European citizens. Continue opening our school on Europe so that students may choose more ambitious careers and be more motivated at school. We hope they will be able to go and study abroad later or even undergo training courses and bring new ideas of trades to develop Corsica. The teachers want to develop new skills observing, sharing; skills to disseminate in our eTwinning school and in other schools. Brigitte Collomb plans to use this project for her research work for the CARDIE and to make students sense their European identity.


    GLOBAL OBJECTIVES:  Use the universe of the Media, the internet and social networks to acquire the 4C’s that work together; Exploring all the languages and French pathways to complete our program so that all the participants acquire the 21st Century essential skills to be empowered, accomplished and healthy adult and so that we meet the initial needs of the project schools. Use the Unesco themes and the European Competences Framework as a guide line too; emphasizing our European Identity thanks to Cultural teaching. Work on digital competences and eSafety.


    THE 4C’S

    • Imagine different points of view questioning yourself and sharing, don’t forget the environmental one!
    • Students learn how to develop an awareness of good practices concerning the media
    • Encourage students to use digital media in a reasonable way and ideas of activities to enhance their own wellbeing alongside the use of social media.
    • Teach them how to protect themselves against misleading demagogic influences
    • Verify accurate information; being empowered to discover the truth in assertions, separating the facts from opinion.
    • Discover and become engaged and interested in the world around.
    • Help others to think critically and spread this ability to peers.
    • Become independent adult on the net but also in real life.
    • 2. CREATIVITY:
    • Think outside the box in all fields which is source of motivation!
    • Use creativity to express yourself in all languages for all purposes and topics.
    • Solve new problems looking at different perspectives that some don’t see!
    • Be inventive! Figure out better ways to do things!
    • Creativity is joyful and contagious.
    • 3. COLLABORATION: democratic participation
    • Work together to achieve common goals in a specific environment.
    • Work in group, face choices, expose their opinion, make decisions, and make compromises for the sake of the group and the realization of the final product.
    • Discover you are unique and your ideas are important!
    • Convey grateful accurate ideas and thoughts quickly and clearly.
    • Know when you are too long and no more efficient, stop expanding ideas!
    • Be familiar with: speech, interview, presentations, direct interaction and peer teaching to exchange their knowledge and practices.


    ALL THE LANGUAGES:  mother tongues, foreign languages, science and mathematical, physical, body, artistic.


    FRENCH PATHWAYS: see PDF on the French Education System. (We intend to create a vertical curriculum for the following topics: 1- citizenship, 2 - professional future, 3 - arts and culture, 4 - health, 5 - authenticity.) A vertical curriculum which could help us imagine balanced activities for our project.


    THE UNESCO THEMES: the activities on the TS and during LTT, the sections of our magazine.






    • Objectives, competences, planning, interdisciplinary activities.
    • Use of the TwinSpace tools and other digital tools to choose democratically, interact, chat, create, share, evaluate, disseminate...
    • While carrying out the project, the students as well as the teachers will do various collaborative activities according to the program and the objectives, to get ready for the LTTs activities and to produce feedback and awareness after the mobilities.(Asynchronous collaborative ones, but also communicative synchronous ones)
    • COMMUNICATION: friendship and working links.
    • Presentations at the beginning of the project
    • The project journal, a media? Twinboard to tweet! Pages to blog!
    • Exchange of letters, exchange of messages, visio conferences, online games, negotiations to set up collaborative tasks on the Twinspace, so that the students will feel more secured when travelling..
    •  Before LTTs the students can get informed by their peers and with the help of videos about the country to be visited and the conditions of living there. This will help them to build up their own opinion to be checked out when meeting in real life. They will get in touch with the students they are staying at and be able to ask him questions.
    • We will use the Twinspace for distance teaching for the nontravelling students and teachers
    • There will also be evaluations at a larger scale at midterm and at the end of the project to make sure that the objectives have been achieved.
    • The Twinspace is used as a social network and a blog as well as a dissemination display.



    - The mobilities will be organized according to our vertical curriculum and our objectives mentioned above; so that each mobility will contain a new step towards achievement in each topic, e.g. in the welcome ceremony the students will train their citizenship and their cultural understanding. The students will train their personal authenticity when belonging to this group of chosen students amidst a majority of strangers.

    - the productions,  final tasks, and evaluation will permit the students to get aware of their gained skills along with the obtaining of Europass.

    - We will integrate feedback of our schools' communities (schools' principals, colleagues and other staff, pupils) to what extend it was possible to

    spread the idea of our project.

    - The hosting families will be involved in some activities and will give their feedback in an evaluation dedicated to them.

    -Not only the hosting families, but more important the involved students and teachers will have their word to say in the evaluations.

    - The students will experience multilingualism in action.



    • the students will produce online magazines :  about our mobilities, but also to present our EUro countries and school system.  Objectives: the same as the whole project. Among which being a journalist and photographer and working as an editorial team; developing strategies to improve Education in Europe together democratically with our students in a digital world and  again working on the French pathways to be artistic, healthy, good citizen and future worker.
    • [SECTIONS:  1. Cultural Heritage 2. Natural Heritage 3. Education across the borders 4. Intercultural dialogue 5. Digital citizenship, media and creativity 6. A window on the World.]
    • The teacher team will produce Newsletters in the five languages dedicated to local authorities, the press and the administration of the schools (principals, parents' association etc).
    • We plan to produce videos of different activities performed to enhance democratic interaction among the students such as debates, theatrical performances, dancing performances, vocal performances (i.e. in all languages).
    • The possibilities offered by the schools, weather, clothing, and accommodation to a safe place will seriously be taken into consideration and given to the students in the Handbook of Language Survival.
    • A vertical curriculum for the reasonable use of digital media
    • A vertical curriculum entitled “Authenticity path”
    • The final product will be a vertical curriculum for a set of transversal skills that can be presented to teacher training staff in the different countries and will be available on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
    • [The different groups will have to get aware that they won't start the vertical curriculum at the same level; some will be in advance whereas others will have to catch up or will need some more help in some topics. So the final goal will be a harmonization of skills and competences.
    • At the end of this project the students will have acquired a meaningful idea of what being a European citizen represents thanks to harmonization of our values and communication in a common foreign language. ]
    • HANDBOOK OF LANGUAGE SURVIVAL FOR EUROPEAN CITIZENS (Greetings and food) in the form of an ebook so that it can be published and spread more widely. It will also contain Christmas greetings, Christmas traditions and food, songs etc.
    •  HANDBOOK OF LANGUAGE SURVIVAL FOR EUROPEAN CITIZENS (sports and music) and their presentations.
    • HANDBOOK OF LANGUAGE SURVIVAL FOR EUROPEAN CITIZENS (Debating: expressing wishes and suggestions) in the form of an ebook.
    • HANDBOOK OF LANGUAGE SURVIVAL FOR EUROPEAN CITIZENS (expressions of hobbies and arts) in the form of an ebook
    • HANDBOOK OF LANGUAGE SURVIVAL FOR EUROPEAN CITIZENS (expressions of digital media and esafety) in the form of an ebook.
    • The final activity of the project will be a meeting of the contact persons and possibly one more teacher per school in order to discuss the final report and to finalize the vertical curriculum for ICT education connected to social media.



    1. Corsica, France:  Let’s get started
    2. Germany: On the road to VR
    3. Greece: Democracy across ages
    4. Spain: Let's become Cyber-managers




    • French strategies to be exchanged:
    • The French teacher will help understand, acquire and establish a vertical curriculum for this crucial period in a teenager's life to the other teachers of the project.This vertical curriculum will be tested in the participating schools and TS activities and thus become transferable to other schools.
    • Spanish strategies to be exchange:
    • cybermanagers implies the creation of an awareness of the risks involved in the use of new technologies and tries to create a proactive attitude in the students towards life, giving them the suitable tools to act in a situation of risks.
    • The Greek school and German school will offer the opportunity to implement and test the vertical Curriculum, authentic and media Vertical Curriculum and other strategies shared.