Day 2: Tuesday, 19th October

  • Programme for Tuesday, 19th October:


    - 8:30 - 9:30  An international maths lesson

    - 9:30  Zfu - A lesson about democratic participation in practice

    Before starting the activity there is an incentive by Fabia (Germany) about the use of media and their impact on our brain. The vocabulary is explained by the German teacher.

    Let’s talk about media.docx


    Now this is the procedure for the students' discussions:

    Zfu – Zeit für uns.docx

    If you want to learn more about this kind of lesson, you can watch this video:

    Information about the social learning process and the way of influencing others is taken from a book written by Tali Sharot, "The Influential Mind", New York 2017. In this document you can find some quotations that were particularly useful for the preparation of the Zfu-activity.

    Tali Sharot – The Influential Mind.docx


    - 11:30  Evaluation of the day's activities on this page in the Twinboard

    - 12:00 - 12:30  It's time to play


    Whenever you've got a little bit of time, you can leave a message about your mood here: My mood

  • My Take-Away - What do you remember about this day? What are your impressions?

    Vasiliki F., Eleni, Elpida, Vasiliki K.

    Today another fun day has nearly come to its end, and, even though it was kind of demanding, it was still fun. The best part was the cryptic messages, but, it did quite confuse us, if we are being honest. We are looking forward to the last day with as much excitement as today!

    Katia - Greece

    Today we did so many nice activities! I had a lot of fun working with my team and communicating with the students from all the other countries. I really enjoyed the quizzes, but the activity with the cryptic message was my favourite. If I'm being honest, it took me a while to understand what we were supposed to do, but when I did I actually liked it so much! It was the first time I did an activity like that one, so it was pretty nice. I'm looking forward to seeing you and working with you tomorrow!


    I liked today very much because we dealt with many things like decryption, Social media and quizzes, which are very interesting. We also had more contact with children from other countries through social work!


    i liked today so much because we do something different like decryption. Also we do some quizies which are very interesting. Hope you like this day.

    Angelina, Greece

    Today was a very special day, that I will always remember. I had the opportunity to meet new people, discuss about social media and do quizzes. My favourite activity was the country quiz because I learned various information about my new friends and their countries. I cant wait to see you tomorrow !!!

    George - Greece

    Today was a much different day than yesterday, the decryption that we did today was very interesting and hard for me. And it was the first time that i did something like that. At the start i thought that it would be very hard but it wasn' t as hard as i thought.


    Today was very fun and we had a great time doing activities with the other countries. We talked about social media, we did some quizzes but the best one was the decryption. To sum up, it was amazing and i hope tomorow it will be even better

    Sami - France

    Today, we did an European Kahoot and I have won! I liked encryption because it was funny.

    Gabriel - France

    In the second day of our experience, we talked about encryption and decryption, we also talked about the brain parts and to finish we did two European Kahoot and I was third at the second one!

    Amine - France

    During the second day, I liked to see the Greeks, the German and the Spanish again. First of all we started to do an exercise called encryption and decryption then we talked about the different parts of the brain and we ended up doing a European Kahoot.

    Samuel - France

    In the second day we played a game called Kahoot. We also talked about the brain activities and coded messages encryption.


    Yesterday, I liked doing Kahoot, it was so funny and interesting.
    I loved seeing the same people.I also liked the decryption because it was new and simple.We also talked about the media and social networks and the impact it had on our brain was very interesting.
    My favourite activity was the Kahoot about the european countries.

    Jordane - France

    I liked seeing the same people as yesterday. It was so funny and interesting to do a kahoot with so many people. I liked doing some decryption because it was new and challenging. My favorite activity was the kahoot about the European countries. I have finished 6th.

    Julia - Germany

    On that day I especially enjoyed the Zfu lesson, because everybody could express their opinion. The topics were really good choosen because they are important in our everyday life. Also I really liked the lesson about encryption and decryption. It was fun and I learned a lot.

  • Discussions like in Zfu are helpful for my development.
    Yes, absolutely
    10 votes (90.91%)
    At least I can express myself
    1 vote (9.09%)
    Nice to do, but nobody listens to me
    0 votes (0%)
    No, it is useless
    0 votes (0%)