DAY 1: Thursday 5th May - Selfie Tour


    - encouraging students to communicate and get to know each other better

    - communication using English language and body language

    - encouraging collaboration

    - urging students to show  their artistic talents 



    - soft skills like making suggestions in a group, compromising

    - creativity for the accomplishement of the task

    - acceptance of the final ranking



    The students were split up in 6 international teams; chose a name for their team , found a place or a sight of Strasbourg that they considered characteristic of the city and took a photo of this place and of their team .The place and the team had to be perfectly matched in the photo.


    Here are the photos :

    And the winner was:


  • Was your selfie more...
    cultural with a good choice of the place
    5 votes (38.46%)
    artistic with a good photo and mine
    5 votes (38.46%)
    3 votes (23.08%)
    none of these
    0 votes (0%)
  • Share your Day tweet with a picture or a drawing

    Victoria - France (13 years old)

    I was in the Tiger team. With my French friend Carla Maria, we chose the old typical Alsacian house. It's half a timber house. My role in the team was to choose the positions in the photo so that it is funny. Sami, another French boy took this photo. We are very happy because our photo was the winner of the activity! We had some macarons! They were delicious.

    Célia - France (13 years old)

    I was in the fifth team the penguins. With the team we chose la Petite France with the three towers behind. My role in the team was to paose for the picture and chose the place for the picture. I think it's very cool because we could talk with other people from different countries, practice speaking English to better understand and speak. It's a good experience to live.


    I was in Team 1 the lions
    I chose a church as a monument.
    My role in the team was the photographer.
    What I thought of this activity is that we could communicate and that it was fun.

    Serena - France

    For the selfie tour game, I was in the group of the kangaroos; we choose to take a selfie in front of the museum of l’Œuvre Notre-Dame; we imitated the statues above on the monument. Then we took a selfie in front of an Alsatian typical shop with storks and a photo on the Gutenberg Square. My role in the team was to ask people what monuments there were around and to take pictures of Strasbourg.

    Lisa-France (14years old)

    A/ Selfie Tour
    1. I was in the Simba team.
    2. we chose the cathedral, typical shops and the little train. We chose the cathedral because it is the most representative place of Strasbourg for us, we imitated the statues at the entrance, there were 8 statues, we imitated 7 of them because there were 7 of us, I think we finally chose the photo of the cathedral.
    3. in the team we tried to find the perfect monument for the pictures.
    4.the activity was good because we could communicate by speaking English with the others. It was fun and artistic.


    For the selfie tour game I was in the dolphin team, we chose to take a selfie in front of the cathedral and we also took a selfie in front of the bridge where there was the riverboat. My role was to take the selfie. We didn't do any particular stage reading, this activity was fun, it was a good first contact with other people from other groups. I was with two Spaniards, two Greeks and a German. I pretended to ask Marcu Andria in marriage with one knee on the ground There was the humorous side because I pretended to ask Marcu Andria in marriage when he was also a boy. We didn't win but it was fun and also we decided to give our chocolates to a homeless person.

    Carla Maria France 13 years old

    Première activité:
    Selfie tour
    1. I was in a tiger group.
    2.We chose a half-timbered house.
    3.My role in the team was to find a monument.
    4.I found this activity very interisting and creative.Because we had to learn to listen to each other and it was good for group work.

    ✧Clara, Spain (Selfie's contest!)✧ 16 years

    I was in the Tiger group too, we made groups in which all nationalities were involved. I got to work with two Greeks, two French and one German, as well as my Spanish partner, Sara. I met really cool people that day, our very first contact with the rest of the countries. We could take really amazing photos taking the landscape, culture and originality in account and out of three photos we took, we chose this one and won the competition. We were given chocolates and macarons, but it was very nice of the teachers to also give chocolates to the other groups, appreciating the work we all did. We could practice our english and the fact that we were capable to comunicate was pretty cool. I loved the experience! Thanks to the Erasmus+ for giving us this oportunity! :)

    Katia -Greece

    In this activity , I was a member of the kangaroo team. All of us were divided into groups, so we worked alongside students from all countries. I had a lot of fun with my team while taking the photos, even though it was kind of embarrassing at first because a lot of strangers were staring at us. Despite that, it was a great experience.

    Vasiliki F. - Greece

    After our visit to the European Parliament, we took a walk around Parc De L'orangerie, and then we ate all together with the French, German, and Spanish students. In the afternoon, we visited the Cathedral, where we were split into 7 groups, and we had a selfie contest, basically one hour in order for us to take as many pictures as we wanted, and then choose the best one to submit. The best one's team would win macarons, while the others won chocolates. The only rule was that we were obligated to be as creative as possible. It was a really fun activity, and I personally enjoyed every bit of it very much. We got to know students from other countries and come together with them in order to create amazing results!!

    Elpida, Greece

    I was in the fifth group with two girls from Spain, two from France and one from Germany. My role in the team was to pose in front of Petite France and take selfies. It was a wonderful experience, as we talked to each other and spent a lot of time together

    Fenia, Greece

    on the first day in the afternoon we did a selfie contest and I was in the lions team. The experience will be truly unforgettable because I had a very good collaboration with the children and we had a nice result. We may not have been the winning team but I gained a lot from this activity.

    Tasos , Greece

    Then in the afternoon we did an activity during which we were split up in teams, tried to know each other and to take the best photos of the monuments. I was in the Kangaroo team . We all tried to communicate and take the best selfie. We didn;t win but had a lot of fun

    Josina - Germany

    I was on Team Penguin and my job was it to take the picture in front of the Petite France. It was a good opportunity to get to know the other students better. It was also a very fun task.

    Angelina, Greece

    We made an amazing competition with selfies with monuments. I was in the second team, we take a photo at a big church, we didn't win but we enjoyed ourselves and have a lot of fun.

    Niovi Greece

    One the first afternoon we played a selfie game. It was by far my favourite experience. We had so much fun and got to know each other so much better. Our team had amazing chemistry and we all had so many ideas. I really enjoyed it. And of course our winning was the climax of the day.

    Vasilis ,Greece

    On the first afternoon we had a great competition . We split up in international groups and took photos. I was in the Dolphins team . In the beginning we didn;t know what to do but after a while we started speaking English and we communicated perfectly. We had a great time and came closer to each other. It was fantastic!!!!


    I was in the second team ,with the photo of the church. It was so mutch fun to take the photo. And after it we ate a ice, it was cool.