- Collaboration in an international team
- Independent research on the chosen place
- Presentation of the chosen place in a voice recording including an emotion that the place inspires
- Contributing to the collection of interesting places of Europe in Strasburg
- Communication across borders in a foreign language
- Use of digital media for research and documentation
- Respect of privacy concerning photos and / or voice recordings
We split up into 6 international teams and each team goes to one of the following buildings:
- Lieu d'Europe
- European Human Rights Court
- European Parliament
- Ombudsman
- European Council
The task is to do some research, collect information and to prepare an oral presentation of the place. Some German students go round and record the presentations and take photos of the teams in front of the bulildings or they take 360° photos.
Lieu d'Europe:
Lieu D'Europe.wav
Human Rights Court:
team human rights.wav
European Parliament:
European Parliament.wav
A R T E.wav
European Council: