• A lot of discussion is necessary for the planning of the events and this is the page for that.


    Meeting on 28th September: 

    Meeting on Tuesday 28th September.docx

    Timetable for the equipment test on Friday, 15th October

    Time Greece Corsica Spain Germany

    11.00- 11.50 (GREEK TIME )

    after 11.30 9:15.10:20 10:15 - 11:15
       12.45 - 13.30 ( GREEK TIME )   after 13:30 after 12:00


    Monday 29 October:

    1st nov 21.docx


    Meeting on Monday 17th January

    We decided:

    - to ask for a prolongation until the end of June 2022

    - to prepare the missing handbooks in international teams

    - not to do virtual meetings because most students work on the project in their extra time and if the meeting is during school lessons, they miss to much of the lessons