Mobility evaluation & certificates


    The LTT is over now and it is time for the evaluation.

    Objectives :

    • have a feedback on our mobility activities.
    • measure the satisfaction and new knowledge students and teachers acquired during the mobility.
    • disseminate those results to parents to show them the skills gained in various fields.
    • be able to disseminate with conscience what we really worked on.


    Activity  : follow the links to answer a questionnaire:


    This is the students' evaluation form:

    Students' evaluation form

    Results of the students' questionnaire


    This is the teachers'evaluation form :

    Click here to open

    Results of the teachers' questionnaire


    And the Greek students ,so happy ,with their certificates of participation!! 

     In France:

    The yougest (13 YO) one student is missing.

    The oldest (14YO) Three students are missing.