COOPERATION European Mobility Week 2021

  • EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK is the European Commission’s initiative on sustainable urban mobility. It promotes behavioural change in favour of active mobility, public transport, and other clean, intelligent transport solutions.

    The main event takes place from 16-22 September each year, culminating in the popular Car-Free Day. Local authorities are encouraged to use the main week to try out innovative planning measures, promote new infrastructure and technologies, measure air quality, and get feedback from the public.


    This year we will encourage our students to join our towns/cities activities as well as prepare our own school activities to mobilize students in terms of greener ways of transport.

    We will share activities our students joined this year and also raise awareness and educate ourselves on these topics.

    Finally, we will make an ebook of all activities that students of our four schools used and gallery of photos of all events they joined during this year European Mobility Week.


    First we created QR codes activities for young learners:

    Assignment 1-5 for EMobilityWeek2021.docx


    Our older students also created two lesson plans for trafic education for young learners with several educational videos and materials/quizzes which were created by all partner schools. We had Trafic Education Taught by Peers in classes: "prima, sekunda, tercia and kvarta"


    1, Traffic education.docx


    Traffic education 2nd lesson.docx




    We also asked younger students for their opinion and evaluation of such education and this is what one of 13-year-old student wrote:

    "Well, I really liked this lesson. It was very funny but my favourite part was the one with the quizzes. I think it was a very creative way how to teach us something useful. So, Good Job!"

    Polish students completed the tasks and were amazed with the fact Rzeszów is among the leaders in eco-friendly transport.

    Our graduates - now secondary school students - participated in the lesson and helped younger pupils overcome all the difficulties connected with the topic.


    We've worked on the topic of green transportation. We used the text from the website:



    Moreover, we have created two tasks to check the knowledge gained from the text and the assignment with QR codes:




    We'd like to ask you to take part in a short survey. We put some ideas on the topic of green transport on a board you can see below. Please read the ideas and vote on the ones you agree with (you can vote on more than one idea). 

    How to vote? Open the board by clicking on the picture below. Read the texts on stickers placed on the board. Click on the + symbol on the sticker with the idea you agree with. Then, click on the symbol of "Like it!" (thumb up). Do not change anything in the text of the sticker! After voting, you can close the sticker.