Slovak "Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day"

  • Our partners inspired us by their activities related to Polish Independence Day named "Independence means freedom" and we tried to widen the discussion about these important ideas. We continued in searching for the concepts of political, economic and personal freedom, freedom of a community or a state, freedom of an individual and phenomena that influence it and define it.


    In Slovakia on 17th November we commemorated the 31st anniversary of the so called Velvet Revolution which started on the International Students´Day and had a huge impact on our lives.

    On 17th November in 1989, Slovak and Czech students organised a demostration against the communist regime and finally it led to enormous social, political and economic changes in the times when generally all of eastern and central Europe freed itself from the Soviet Union. Three years after these events Slovakia separated peacefully from the former Czechoslovak Federal Republic.

    Our students in the bilingual section were studying the foundations of freedom, independence and democracy in several steps:

    1, 3rd and 4th graders studied the US system of government, its checks and balances, their presidential elections, campaign, US electoral college, role of free media, stats of results and some other aspects of it. Simultaneously we searched the concepts of democracy.

    2, 1st and 2nd graders were thinking of many aspects and forms of freedom, what influences it, how it is related to political, social and family situation. 

    3, Students of all grades were studying the historical background of the Slovak Velvet Revolution, its reasons and consequences. 

    Students prepared mindmaps, presentations, short studying materials, creative compositions and presented their opinions and knowledge they learnt to their peers, classmates, schoolmates and further audience.