COOPERATION Connectedness I - Tasks made to the topic of connectedness

  • After the introductory lesson about connectedness, in which we used the material created by our Slovak partners, Polish team discussed how connectedness can be understood and visible in our everyday life. We also created a few tasks on this topic. Can you solve them?

    Thank you, Slovak friends, for such an inspiring and interesting material!


    Link to a worksheet:

    Worksheet on connectedness


    We add some more learning materials to use in this topic: 

    "Chemical elements and their connectedness to our everyday lives"

    Slovak students were exploring it on their interdiciplinary subject "English for Specific Purposes"


    Slovak students were also learning about how the world became more connected after the discovery of America in 1492 and what consequences it had on both the new world (Americas) and the old world (Euroasia). 

    Did you know that new plants like potatoes, corn and beans which were brought to Europe from America helped to increase the European populations and now they are the unseparable ingredients in our cuisines or that some grains like wheat and rice were brought to Americas just unintentionally but now the USA is one of the greatest exporters of wheat in the world?