This is a presentation summarising our last two years!
It shows an amazing progress we've made together and proves interdisciplinary activities connected with peer teaching and wise teacher support are most meaningful ways to quality education.
Here is a publication in which we gathered scenarios of lessons we have created together during our whole project. Some actions were failed, the others had to be modified, but finally all teachers and students created a set of 18 meaningful lessons that can be conducted in every type of school, with students possessing different language skills. This publication should be concerned an enormous success of cooperation, respect and friendship connecting project participants.
After all activities and mobilities, students and teachers, participating in our mutual two-year - "adventure" evaluated our work, cooperation and outcomes via Google Form "Evaluation of our project" in September 2022:
In the end, it should be emphasized that all of us involved (students as well as teachers) learned a lot while working on this project. Each activity contributed in its own way to enriching the personal development of each of us.
We want to use all the results of our work when working in other eTwinning projects and, of course, especially in the daily teaching process.
At the same time, we hope that everything we have learned will meaningfully help students and teachers (and of course also students and teachers from other schools who would like our educating materials) in solving real life situations and problems in their everyday life, in the present and in the future.