On 5 Feb. the Italian students met a journalist of the regional newspaper "Il Gazzettino".
Here is a report and some pics of the meeting:
On 5 February we had an unusual lesson: our teacher was Dr. Francesco Antonini, deputy editor in chief of the regional newspaper "Il Gazzettino".
Dr. Antonini explained to us the differences among the various news topics, told us how pieces of news are transmitted by local reporters to the headquarters, and how they are handled and verified.
He also explained who owns the major national and local newspapers in Italy, hinted at the pressure that some owners can put on their journalists, and mentioned the "Watergate" as an example of the American tradition of freedom of the press.
Next, he went on to talk about the project topic, i.e. "Immigrants and Refugees", which our article will have to deal with, and gave us copies of Ansa news agencies about the refugee crisis, from 30 January onwards.
When we asked if he could give us some writing tips, he gave us the following advice:
- We should try to be clear, simple, effective;
- we should leave out unnecessary adjectives and adverbs;
- we should also omit unnecessary details, and go straight to the point;
- on the other hand, we could deal with some unusual side of the news, to capture the readers' attention;
- we should avoid unnecessarily difficult words.
Le cinq février 2016 les étudiants de 4B ont rencontré un journaliste de la presse locale, M. Antonini du 'Gazzettino'. Voilà le comte rendu:
Le cinq février on a eu un cours un peu différent que d'habitude, tenu par M. Francesco Antonini, journaliste du Gazzettino.
Il nous a expliqué comment s'orienter entre les différentes nouvelles qui et comment les saisir parmi toutes celles qui lui arrivent des reporters locaux et comment les transformer en 'articles' à publier.
Il nous a expliqué comment l les plus importants journaux soit régionaux soit nationaux sont influencés par leur proprietaires; toutefois il a rappelé l'affaire 'Watergate' comme exemple de liberté de presse aux Etats-Unis.
En suite il a parlé du sujet de notre article, c'est-à-dire des 'Immigrés et réfugiés' et il nous a offert une série de copies de nouvellles ANSA à cet égard, du 30 janvier jusqu'aujourd'hui.
On lui a demandé aussi quelques conseils pour mieux écrire notre article et voilà ce qu'il nous a dit :
etre clair, essentiel et simple
enlèver tous les adverbes et les adjectifs de trop
aller juste au coeur du problème et éviter les détails inutiles
en meme temps chercher de saisir ce qui est particulier dans la nouvelle et qui peut attirer la curiosité du lecteur
ne pas utiliser des mots difficiles

On 25th February we met the p.i.c. of social affairs of the nearby city of Mira, the p.i.c. of a social co-operative dealing with the inclusion of migrants within our communities, two Nigerian boys and one from Senegal, who arrived in our region as asylum seekers.
Through their vivid tales, we could figure out what their life was like before their arrival in Italy, and it was interesting and touching to listen to some tragical facts occurred to them in their home countries or on their way here.
We understood they had no other choice but escape.
Now they are working on various social projects as volunteers, and are being given food and accommodation by the Town of Mira.
Here are some pics that were taken: