Plan du projet/ Work sheet
se présenter - introduce yourself
l'équipe italienne en français
Italian team in English
Italian team: presentation in English
Polish team - presentation in English
French team in English
L'équipe française en français
L´équipe espagnole
FRIDAY, 13th November 2015
Italy: work in progress; en travaillant sur le projet
rapports entre France- Italie Italy
WORK IN PROGRESS: Polish/Italian article
Interviews about refugess
work in progress: French-Italian articles
Artists fighting for a cause
Sport and doping
Immigration in France and Italy/ l'immigration en France et Italie
Trip to Amsterdam / voyage à Amsterdam
ecology/ écologie
terrorism / le terrorisme
Series ( reviews and surveys)
Different cultures/ les différentes cultures
les illustrations/ images
produits finaux/final products
music that connects people
Sport and doping
Immigration in France and Italy/ l'immigration en France et Italie
Trip to Amsterdam/ voyage à Amsterdam
ecology/ écologie
terrorism / le terrorisme
Series (Reviews & Surveys)
La Réforme de l'orthographe
Different cultures/ les différentes cultures
assessment/ évaluation
Résultats du questionnaire / survey results
vos opinions sur le projet/ your final thoughts
Italian team: presentation in English
The video was made by Marco B.
and Andrea B.
The first was the car driver, while the second shot the video with his cam.
They made the journey that most of Lazzari students make to get to school.
Enjoy it!