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One of the most important problems of sports is doping.
Doping is the use of particular substances or medicines for increasing the physical performance of an athlete. It is against the sportive and scientific ethics, but there has been many cases of its abuse also by important characters of the sport world.
Doping isn’t a recent phenomenon. Since ancient times some athletes have used substances and practices in order to improve their physical performance. For example, as documented in 668 AC Olympic games, stimulating substances had been used.
In order to fight doping, it has been created the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). It must develop tests to do on athletes, list the prohibited substances and control athletes (through urine and blood tests).
There are also national anti-doping agencies, such as USADA which operates in the US, that have the same goals of the International Agency.
In this article we will see a curent case of doping in sports wich involve the meldonium.
The Meldonium is a product to cure anginas and heart diseases , it increases the capacities . It would especially be effective in speed events , and it is only distributed in the Baltic countries and Russia , but everyone have acess to this product . The product was placed on the list of prohibited substances on 1 January 2016 by World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) ."The meldonium was added because of its use by athletes to improve their performance" say WADA .There has been 99 positive controls since the first of January including Olympic winners and especially Maria Sharapova.
Maria Sharapova is one of the most famous tennis player of the world and recently she has been positive controlled at Melbourne during a tournement. In fact, the tennis univers was in ecxitement since the famous woman had annouced that she will hold a press conference in Los Angeles. There has been a lot of rumors about this conference. The russian girl just said that she had received a letter which tell her that she was postive at the meldonium. It has make a real earthquake when the news come. During her press conference, she tells the journalis that she had maid a big mistake. But she also justify herself by saying that she was taking this substance for medical reasons. Here is a little extract of what she has say: "I took this substance for the first time in 2006, she declared. I had had several health problems in the time. I fell ill very often, I suffered from a magnesium deficiency and there was some diabetes in my family. I had signs of diabetes. This medicine is one of those, among others, whom I took. He was not on the list of products prohibited by the anti-doping world Agency, but the regulation changed on January 1st of this year and this medicine became a prohibited product, what I didn't know".