French students will write in blu: Lucile, Erona, Yasmine and Thécia
Italian students in red:
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Series (Reviews & Surveys)
Hello my friends, we decided to work on series as you can see but more precisely, we are going to focus on 4 series. We decided to chose this topic because we are really fond of series, we're literally series addict and we want to share our interests with all of you.
First of all we did a survey about those series and then we are going to do a review about each series to motivate you all to watch those series.
Also we are about to post trailers so you can have an idea of the plot, the characters and the atmosphere... We hope you're going to like our page because we really invested ourselves in this.
Each member decided to work on his favourite series (click on the name of the series to watch the trailer!) :
I. Yasmine decided to work on Game Of Thrones :
GOT is an amazing series based on George R. R. Martin's book series "A song of Ice and Fire". It talks about kings, queens, knights, renegades, liars and onest men playing a deadly game for control of the 7 kingdoms of Westeros and to sit atop the iron throne. This series is so incredible because it's a mix between action and emotions, you don't have time to be bored! The characters are so touching and you get attached to them. I would recommand this series for teenagers and adults but not children because there is a lot of shocking scenes and blood. It's my favorite series ever and I'm dying of excitment because we have to wait until April to see the new season! Also I'd like to conclude by #TeamBaratheon
II. Thécia decided to work on Empire :
This American musical drama television series is about hip hop music and entertainment company. The members of a family, who are the protagonists, fight for control of this company. The show is set New York in the current century. I love the acting of the show. Terrence Howard and Taraji P. Henson play the role of Lucious and Cookie Lyon. She's my favourite character because I recognize myself in her.
III. Erona decided to work on Reign :
This series takes place during the renaissance, it talks about Mary Queen of Scotland who has to marry the future king of France : Francis. A lot of people want Mary dead, there will be assasination attacks, wars, batrayals, death, murders. But when the most powerful woman in France, The Queen Catherine of Medicis is against her, how long do you think Mary will survive ? The main character Mary is played by Adelaid Kane who is my favorite character beacause she is a determinate, brave and powerful woman.
IV. Lucile decided to work on Prison Break :
This series is about 2 brothers Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows. There are 4 seasons. Lincoln Burrows is trapped in a consipracy. His brother Michael Scofied decides to organize an escape. He makes a plan to go to the prison but he has a few of time for help his brother because Burrow is comdamned to death ...
I love the acting in this series. Wentworth Miller stars as Mickael Scofield and Dominic Purcell plays the role of Lincoln Burrows.I have a lot favourite characters like Fernando Sucre who is in the same cell of Scofield but I also love Mickael and Lincoln.
I think this is an ideal series for people who like action and suspense.
Also, we did a survey named "Are you a series addict ?" and here is the link for this survey, we hope you're gonna enjoy it! But if you have never watched any series, then don't do it. We are really excited to see the results and get to know each one of you better! (Click on the picture)