Italian students write in red: Giacomo and Benedetta
French students write in blue: Clara and Tristan
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There is a forest near Calais ' harbor which would shelter more than 6000 migrants called " the jungle of Calais ". It is situated near the cities of Calais, Coquelles and Sangatte, and would welcome asylum seekers and refugees mainly coming from Afghanistan, the Darfur, Syria, Iraq and Eritrea. This migration began in the 2000s in Calais, then this population saw getting fat(growing) because of the closure(lock) of the center of Sangatte in 2002. An additional reason is the migratory crisis of the 2010s.
However, these camps cause in particular problems of safety (rate of criminality + 800 % in Calais since spring 2014) and of public health: indeed, were noted several attacks on behalf of the migrants to the local residents, the law enforcement and the long-distance truck drivers. The presence of these migrants is understandable by the fact that they try to pass in England by means of the Channel Tunnel, either by ferries making Dover Calais several times a day. He is also stated several attacks between migrants, in particular on the women: indeed, according to associations, every migrant underwent at least an aggression with sexual character. Cases of prostitution are also regretted around camps. Furthermore, the authorities face problems of hygiene: the living conditions of the migrants are bad and are similar to those of a shanty town. The French State nevertheless fitted out toilet, showers and even 300 sockets so that the migrants can reload their mobile phone. The waiting time to take a shower is estimated(esteemed) at 6 am.
Because of these problems, the jungle of Calais becomes a political stake for the presidential elections of 2017 and the insecurity due to the assaults of the migrants to cross the border hinders the economic activity of the port(bearing). That is why the public authorities tend to accelerate his(her,its) dismantling in the optics of a rehousing somewhere else in France.
On Friday, 4 Mars, several hundred people demonstrated peacefully this evening in Paris in support for the migrants of Calais, where the southern part of the "Jungle" was evacuated this week, noticed a journalist. Behind a banner " we are all human beings. We want a roof and papers " cry out migrants who decide to sleep Place(Square) of the Republic in spite of the cold to draw the attention of the authorities on their fate(spell) and obtain a residence permit as well as a stable accommodation(housing). The prefecture engaged its plan snow or black ice on Friday late in the afternoon while the Ile-de-France got ready to be swept(annihilated) by the rain and the snow. For several days, the south zone of the "Jungle" of Calais, squatted by migrants, is evacuated by the authorities several migrants went up to sew their mouth to protest against the evacuation.
Last Friday, Turkey had an agreement with the European Union to exchange refugees transiting through Greece. The compromise for a Syrian return to Turkey, another Syrian be hosted in Europe.
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In the last decade the number of migrants in our country has increased dramaticaly. Everyday, more and more people reach our coasts. They come from Marocco, Algeria, Nigeria, Somalia, Eritrea. Usually, they board in makeshift boats and they make an exhausting journey in terrible conditions. Many are children and women who are often pregnant.
Often these poor people do not get to the destination because they do not survive terrible conditions of the journey.
Often, these dangerous journeys are organised by criminals who charge them a lot of money.
Refugees want to reac our country because they hope to be able to live a better life here. Usually, they escape from wars or famines.
In our country there are charity organisations offering them a shelter when they arrive.
Unfortunately in this period our country has different problems so quite often refugees do not manage to live well enough. In fact our country has beem hit by a serious economic crisis since 2009 and especially in the last year the threat of terrorism has been looming large in our country, too.
Last year in some towns near us some migrants carried out some revolts. They complained about poor hygienical conditions and overcrowding in the shelters where they were being hosted. Many revolts occured in Eraclea, a seaside town near ours.
Our neighbouring countries such as Austria, Switzrland are deeply worried about the arrival of migrants. In fact these days Austria is building an anti-immigration barrier.
Works started on 12 April 2016. This barrier will be built in the motorway of Brennero and il will be 250 metres long.
The Austrian government has decided to build this barrier because it fears that in the next months there will be an increase of migratory flows.
It is only a precautionary action which will be used only if it is necessary.
The Austrian president, during an interview, pointed out that this barrier is not a wall and not even a barbed wire but aims to stop irregular migrants and refugees who try to overstep the border.
In order to build the barrier guardrails will be removed and afterwards it will be necessary to modify road signs.
This year only 35000 refugees will be allowed to enter.
This iniziative has sparked off a lot of criticism from different politicians. Many belive that the building of the barrier will not give any result but create more problems.
Some political parties are organising an international demonstration that will be held on 24 April.