15. Life on land

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    15. Life on land

    The 30,7% of Earth is covered by forests. Every year, thirteen million hectares are being lost even though up to 15% af land is currently under protection. Desforestation and desertification have affected the lives and livehoods of millions of people, 1,6 billion people depends on them. The 80% of all terrestrial animals (8% of them are extinct and 22% are at risk of extinction), plants and insects lives in the forests. In 2010-15, the world have lost 3,3 million hectares of forest areas. The lost of arable land is at 30 to 35 times the historical rate, but 52% is moderatly or severly affected by soil degradation. Due to drought and desertification, 12 million hectares are lost every day.
    Joan R and Adriana

    15 Life on land

    Francesco (IT)
