1. Our project: learning outcomes and tasks

  • Our students live in a changing world, receive messages from a threatened land and witness many conflicts and social inequalities. As future citizens, they must understand the global challenges that we have to face and propose measures to achieve a better world.


    We choose the UN Sustainable Development Goals as the basis for working on these great global challenges. Using them as a base, we will carry out a collaborative work in which our students:

    • Work on the concept of sustainability and the global challenges we have to face to achieve it.
    • Analyse the main problems of the world, their causes and future consequences.
    • Propose different measures, both individual and collective, to fight against problems
    • Create a common product to summarise what they have learned about Agenda 2030
    • Enhance communicative, digital and social skills and develop critical thinking skills. 





    1) Students will get to know each other by adding personal information, goals they are interested in and why they think AGENDA 2030 is important on each school Padlet. Then, they will comment on other Padlets and find students with similar profiles. 

    2) Students will watch introductory videos about UN goals. 

    3) Students will post their presentations to a Padlet (one per country), talking about their hobbies and interests. They will make their own avatars using http://avatarmaker.com They will also explain which 2030 Agenda goals are most important or interesting to them. 

    Next, they will read each other's posts to find their "international twins" (someone they have something in common with). 

    4) Students will participate in a logo contest and will choose the best 3 logos in each school (deadline 15th January). Finally, students from all schools will vote for the best logo using Tricider (deadline: 30th January). 



    1) Students will look at the 17 Goals and choose one they are particularly interested in. They will start doing some research, individually or in small national groups.

    2)  Students will add key facts/problems about each Goal on the TwinBoards and discuss possible solutions in the Forums.

    3) Teachers will add pupils' names next to the Goal they are interested in (google doc) to form international teams.



    1) Students will focus their attention on one specific Goal and organise their collaborative work in the Forums, discussing ideas with international peers.

    2) Students work together in national/international groups to create multimedia products to present SDGs. 

    2) Students create a SDGs interactive map using the app Genial.ly to showcase all the products made in connection with the 2030 Agenda.



    The interactive map is published and the final results of the project are disseminated through different media channels by partner schools.

    Pupils and teachers fill in project evaluation forms. Teachers evaluate project results and publish them on the TwinSpace and other media channels. 

    A project summary presentation is made to sum up main elements and phases of work.