FLAgShIP - Flexible accommodation, sustainability in progress

  • "Why do refugees live in the old house, should not that be demolished?" The project was born out of this question asked by some German students, who are going to the Friedrich Albert Lange Berufskolleg in Duisburg, which is located directly next to a reguee home. 


    In discussions with the partner schools from Germany, Sweden, France, Hungary and Spain we found out that there is a similar idea in other countries, but for different reasons.

    In Spain and France, refugees arriving from Africa by boat on the coast also have only overcrowded refugee camps available.

    The Hungarian partner has a great need for affordable housing for the homeless.

    The Swedish school needs housing for students.

    The project idea developed with the participating partner schools to design a housing solution that is generally applicable in the basics but can be flexibly adapted to different needs and circumstances through a modular system. 


    Here is a short video that explains the project:


    As a preparation for the first meeting in Tenerife the responsible teachers from Germany, Sweden, France, Hungary und Spain met to discuss all relevant topics. 



  • Preparation for the first meeting

    Let the work beginn!

    We had to manage a lot of work for the first international students meeting. Here are some impressions of the work done before the meeting.

    Student's poster to present the Erasmus + concept to other students during the project week
    Students on the open house to guarantee more visibility for the FLAgShIP project and Erasmus +
    Water utility

    Here are some students visiting the local water utility to gain some insights about how this is managed regionally.

    Student's work on sustainable housing concepts
    Work work work!

    Here are our students working on some posters for the open house!

    Visiting the refugee home

    Some students visited the refugee home next to the German school to gain a better understanding on how refugees are living in Germany.

    Constructing first drafts of the flexible housing

    As a preparation for the first meeting some students already build a model of a house in 3D

    Visiting the refugee home

    this is the refugee home next to the German school, which initiated the whole idea of the project.

    Student's drafts of sustainable energy usage