Task 2. Working on our book


    As all the ten national Book Clubs that are members of the online European A.B.C.: Active Book Club are reading the Biography ‘Alan Turing: The Enigma’ by Andrew Hodges are gathering questions and answers relative to the content of the book.

    One purpose is to exchange our information and our wonders about the content of the book.

    A second purpose is to use fifty (50) questions and answers from this category (which every national Book Club wishes) for the creation of a 1rst designed Board-Card  Game based on the biography: 'Alan Turing: The Enigma' by Andrew Hodges.

    Also, an upper purpose is to have fun by writing about the content of our book  and by chatting through our Twinspace or our common TitanPad.

    How do we work as we are gathering Questions & Answers?

    Please, first write question and then follows the answer.

    We are going to use this way recording our questions-answers:



    Name and country of the person who writes (for example: Stavroula, Greece)

    For recording questions-answers we are going to use the tool TitanPad.

    You can find TitanPad help here!