We all have agreed to complete the following activities & tasks:
- Organize our Project's Agenda
- Present our National School Book Clubs (members of our European online Book Club)
- Find a common book for reading in our Club
- Work on the content of the book
- Have an online Quiz-Contest (National & Transnational)
- Design Handmade Board-Card Games based on the content of our book
- Exchange the 1st designed Board-Card Games between partners
- Exchange Season Cards (Christmas Cards & Summer Cards)
- Saw up (mostly in our Project Journal or in Skype meetings or by posting) customs, ethics and cultural themes to our partners
- Compare the book with the movie that was inspired from the book
- Have a creative writing task focused on Alan Turing and World War II
- Create an eBook based on creative writing results
- Organize events-Celebrations focused on Culture (Literature & Books)
- CoSketch a Souvenir-Our Bookmark
- Create-design Talking Posters based on activities and tasks
- Organize alive (face to face) and online meetings between partners
- Having feedback during the project (in the beginning, in the middle, in the end)
- Give publicity to our project and to the results of our common efforts