Online dictionary related to totalitarism

  • TASK 1
    In 3 international teams work on the basic vocabulary related to totalitarianism and totalitarian regime:

    TEAM 1 vocabulary from A - C

    TEAM 2  vocabulary from D - N

    TEAM 3  vocabulary from O - Z

    This is the basic vocabulary related to totalitarianism and totalitarian regime you have created and translated into 3 more languages. Study it. 


    Online dictionary related to totalitarism

    Online dictionary related to totalitarism.docx


    agitation - verbal or written dissemination of ideas and political ideas in order to influence the opinion of individuals and groups of people

    agitators and propagandists – people who spread e.g. fascist or socialistic agitation and propaganda

    apparatchik - a blindly devoted official, follower, or member of an organization (such as a corporation or political party), a member of Communist appart

    Bolsheviks - fractions of Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, formed in 1905 by Lenin and Bogdenov. Lenin's communist party that overthrew the government.

    capitalism - Economic system where money is controlled by private owners rather than by the state.

    censonship - blocks something from being read, heard, or seen.

    central control - Government controls all aspects of society, such as art, school, religion, ideas, etc. All control comes from one place. Trait of totalitarianism.

    collectivisation - used in Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Romania and other socialistic countries, a policy in which to consolidate personal and individual labor and farms into group farms.

    communism - Government owns all businesses and farms, provides care, well-fare, total control over economy and society. Power in the state.

    comrade - The term comrade is used to mean "mate", "colleague". Political use of the term was inspired by the French Revolution, after which it grew into a form of address between socialists and workers. Since the Russian Revolution, popular culture in the Western World has often associated it with communism.

    cult of personality - when a person uses tools of totalitarianism to appeal to the general public as a hero complex, and try to gain followers in the revolution they are trying to start or lead. Trait of totalitarianism.

    dictatorship - a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)-

    fascism - form of government ruled by dictator where he controls lives of people, and the people have no right to disagree.

    gulag is a prison camp where conditions  are extremely bad and the prisoners are forced to work very hard. The name gulag comes from the prison camps in the former Soviet Union.

    mass mobilization and indoctrinization - creating political propaganda to encourage the gmneral public to conform to the ideas of the totalitarian leader, and teaching radical ideology to create followers from a young age. Trait of totalitarianism.

    labour camps - Detention facilities that are commonly associated with slave labor. Example, Gulags in Russia , uranium mines in the Czech Republic...

    monocracy a system ruled by one person; autocracy.

    nationalization - to invest control or ownership of in the national government

    normalization - a term popularized by the Czechoslovak Communists who, after August 1968, took on the "normalization" of society. One of their main goals was to undermine resistance to the Soviet occupation and to eliminate unreliable party members.

    paternalism - Trait of a totalitarian leader, taking on a father or mother persona to convince the public they'll be taken care of if they follow the leader. Fits in with Cult of Personality.

    pioneer – a member of the pioneer movement, in the past mainly one of the main youth organizations of some socialist countries, see pioneer movement, eg: in Czechoslovakia: Pioneer organization of the Socialist Youth Union

    political process is a judicial process where the decision and the outcome do not lie in the hands of the relevant jurisdiction, but are determined or enforced by political power. In this sense, demonstration processes are often pejorativeProletariat - Workers or working class people, regarded as a whole (often referenced to Marxism).

    radical ideology - A new idea or belief that is different from any other ideology presented before, in an extreme form. Trait of totalitarianism.

    samizdat - is the secret publication, reproduction and distribution of books and periodicals that have been banned or banned. could not be published officially (samizdat is also known as a publication)

    Secret Police - Totalitarian leader's personal law enforcement and intelligence services kept private from the public, such as gestapo or KGB.

    socialism - Government owns many of the larger industries, provides private services. Cities make own economic choices.

    Spartakiáda - was a mass public physical performance. The tradition followed the undesirable Sokol meetings in communist Czecho-Slovakia, for which a large stadium at Strahov was built in 1926. Like the last Sokol Slet, the Spartakiads took place at the large Strahov Stadium in Prague.

    violence and terror - When a Totalitarian dictator uses violence and terror to make the public scared of breaking set rules, and to obeying what the dictator says. Trait of totalitarianism.

    Totalitarianism- form of government in which the state controls every aspect of the individual’s life and all opposition is suppressed.

    treason is criminal disloyalty to the state. It is a crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's nation or sovereign.

    TASK 2 - Play these quizzlets to learn new vocabulary