Life during socialism, during the totaliarian times in our countries - Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Romania was different from life nowadays during democracy.
We will try to focus on the life in the past during totalitarian times and we will work in international teams. Each national team will create a short video. You will ask an adult person / people in the streets of your town, or school, your grandparents, ... these 3 questions:
1. How old were you during the 1989 revolution?
2. What could not you do before revolutuion and what can you do now?
3. Was the revolution 1989 worth it?
Create a short video with the subtitles in English. All 3 national videos will be given to the common video and put on youtube and then to twinspace. We will see the results of our work.
Slovak teacher Erika Pisiová about her touch with totalitarian regime in the short videofilm: