Dissemination in Denmark

  • ACTIVE presentation.pptx

    We presented our project to our Staff on September 24th 2019.


    Link to our school´s webpage

    NS Erasmus+ ACTIVE information



    On February 27th 2020 we gave a presentation to our whole staff telling about the Growth Mindset training in Malta, impressions of the LA in Finland, looked at the Pupil Survey-results, the work done in different classes so far and how we will continue our work with the project. 

    Erasmusinfo PU februar 2020.pdf



    February 2020

    The pupils in our  2nd classes have made posters about Erasmus+ ACTIVE partners with facts and information about the countries.

    January 2020

    The children in our 3rd classes have produced pop-up-books about the countries in our Erasmus+ ACTIVE project. The books include lots of interesting - and surprising - facts about the countries. Did you know that people in Finland and famous for dancing Tango or that there is a sports discipline called "Wife- carrying Race"? The pop-up-books will be added in the display by our school´s main entrance.

    Pop-up Books


    Body spelling

    The children in our Kindergarten class spelled ACTIVE with their bodies. The teacher took pictures. The pictures were laminated and added into the Erasmus+ ACTIVE display at our school´s main entrance.

    December 2019:

    Pupils in Classes 0-3 created a display near our main entrance about the Erasmus+ ACTIVE countries. The countries were created with torn-up-maps. 

    Torn-up Erasmus+ ACTIVE countries 

    ACTIVE-Wall with Map of Europe

    October 7th - 11th 2019

    Our pupils in classes 4-6 worked on a Erasmus+ ACTIVE display on our wall.  They also drew Growth MIndset pictures and the work will continue.

    Erasmus+ ACTIVE countries wallpainting



    December 2021 - February 2022:

    • Staff meeting about the LA/TTA in Denmark
    • Contacting Sia in Animation Workshop, Martin in Lommefilm and Magdi + Amanda in Piximakey. Telling about our project and inviting guest teachers. 
    • Meeting with the heads of the school.
    • Contacting educational department and Mayor of Viborg inviting them to see our activity 
    • Making a press release of the LA/TTA together with Magdi from Piximakey, approved by our headmaster Brian Roed
    • Meeting with the parents hosting children from Turkey and Iceland
    • Visit by a journalist and a photographer from Viborg Stift Folkeblad. There was a large article about LA/TTA in their webpaper. 
    • Translation of the arcticle to English and sharing it with our partner schools. Also shared through Twinspace and project webpage.
    • Piximakey produced a promotion video during the LA/TTA. This video has been shared through their webpage, social media, Twinspace and project webpage.

    November 2021:

    • Parents meeting for the pupils taking part in Learning Activity in Iceland


    November 2020 - October 2021

    • Due to covid19 lock downs and travel restrictions, there hasn´t been dissemination activities at school other than informing the colleagues about the situation in our partner schools 

    May-November 2020

    • Due to covid19 lock-down of schools in March 11th - beginning of May, there has been a break in dissemination activities
    • In the period May-November 2020 the dissemination has mainly been through Twinspace

    February 2020

    • The pupils in 5b worked with GOALS in Art and English. The Goals portraits were displayed in the class and a plan to produce a GOAL film for our GOALbuddies in Finland was made.
    • The coordinator put up an add for the parents and pupils in 6.-7th grades to give them a possibility to apply for the Erasmus+ ACTIVE Learning Activity in England in May 2020. The add was published as a poster all over our school as well as added in the notice board of our AULA (intranet).
    • The pupils for Erasmus+ LA in England were chosen. The families received information and an information meeting was planned for March.
    • The pupils in 2nd classes displayed posters about the Erasmus+ ACTIVE partner countries.
    • The coordinator presented Erasmus+ results, activities and plans in a PU-meeting (pedagogical development for whole staff).
    • The teachers team for classes 4-6 had a Growth Mindset afternoon producing music that was disseminated.

    January 2020

    • The pupils in our Kindergarten Class formed body alphate spelling ACTIVE! Their teacher took pictures, laminated them and added them on the display by our school´s main entrance.
    • The pupils in our 3rd class produced pop-up-books with interesting facts about all partner countries in Erasmus+ ACTIVE. The books will be added on the display by our school´s main entrance.
    • The pupils who took part in the LA in Finland made presentations of their travel and what they had learnt.
    • The teachers who took part in the LA in Finland and in the TT in Malta, presented their experiences in a Staff meeting for whole school.
    • The koordinator produced a film of the LA in Finland and added it in the twinspace.

    December 2019

    • A Christmas Math competition where the pupils won tickets to the cinema. The prizes were sponsored by our Erasmus+ ACTIVE project.
    • The pupils in 2nd class created the partner countries using tore-up method to start an Erasmus+ ACTIVE display by our main entrance.
    • The koordinator produced films of the Brain Brakes presented in Finland and added them in the twinspace.

    November 2019:

    • Meetings with the group of pupils going to LA in Finland and their parents
    • Brain Break Challenge for the staff as a part of our Erasmus+ activities
    • The presentation of Erasmus+ ACTIVE project was added in the schools new homepage
    • A link to the webpage and twinspace was added in the school´s webpage


    October 2019:

    • We produced 2 films about C1  ACTIVE Staff Training in Gozo, Malta, and shared them with our partners schools and in our Twinspace
    • Week 41 the Erasmus+ ACTIVE project was presented to whole school. Pupils in classes 4-6 worked whole week with Erasmus+ country knowledge, displays, Growth Mindset and different sport & collaboration activities, all linked to our project
    • The steering team encouraged the pupils to apply for C2, Pupil Learning Activity in Helsinki, Finland in November 30th - December 6th
    • Staff going to Pupil LA in Finland had a meeting on October 23rd 2019

    September 2019:

    • Elisa (the coordinator) and Dorthe (the head of economics) took part in the Erasmus+ start seminar in Odense about the contract rules, economy and reporting in Mobility Tool+ on September 9th 2019. The seminar was arranged by the Danish NA.
    • We had a meeting in Erasmus+ steering group on September 11th about the Erasmus+ start seminar, economy and the coming presentation of the project to the staff.
    • We had a planning meeting with the teachers going to the C1 on September 11th. We talked about the programme, agenda and shared tasks.
    • Elisa wrote an information letter of the project to be added on the school´s webpage on Sept 13th 2019. The letter was also sent to all parents of the school as well as the Municipality´s Education Board.
    • Elisa had a meeting with the school senior leader and head of classes 4-6 on September 16th 2019.
    • The Erasmus+ steering group will give a presentation for the staff about the project during Pedagogical Development meeting on September 26th 2019

    August 2019:

    • Erasmus steering group at Nordre has had several meetings about the project during August and September 2019.