• There are in all 3 Staff Training Activities in the course of our 2-year project. Here you can find information about the activities.


    1. Staff Training Activity in Malta Sep 28th - Oct 4th 2019

    Host: Gozo College Seconady School, Victoria, Malta

    Focus on Active and Passive Learning, Growth Mindset, eTwinning and Project administration.


    2. Staff Training Activity in England May 16th - 22nd 2020

    Host: Howes Primary School, Coventry, England

    Focus on how to use movement in learning to help learners to be more active mentally and physically.

    This activity is organized jointly with Howes Primary School and Coventry University´s Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership-project called "Promoting Social, Emotional, and Learning Skils of Students with and without Special Education Needs by Developing Teachers Capabilities in Music, Dance and Digital Competences". 


    3. Staff Training Activity in Turkey May 22nd - 28th 2021

    Host: Can Ibrahim Bodur Anadolu Lisesi, Can, Turkey

    Focus on ACTIVE sharing: Learning apps, evaluation tools and sustainability