Online Training

  • Outdoor Learning

    May 18th 2021

    We arranged an online meeting session with teachers and coordinators from all parter schools to share ideas and practice on Outdoor Learning.

    We concluded that Outdoor Learning can include any learning that happened outside classroom, out of the usual learning environment.

    The school in Turkey has been closed for many months due to covid-19 and the teachers haven´t been able to arrange new activties with the students. Zerrin from Turkey told about a photo hunt with tasks in the town, that she had arranged for her students last spring. The photo hunt was in English. The students had to call to their teacher to get a task. The task could be "Go to a shop and buy a bag of apples in English. Take a picture and send it to me after you have bought the apples." Then the students got a new task.

    In Iceland they have arranged photo-hunt sessions a bit like in Turkey. The whole school has also filmed the ACTIVE-dance outside, all pupils participating. They have done various orientation runs, where pupils have got a question in certain topic and have searched for the answer in different places around the school.


    Some schools had made power points of their ideas/experiences:


    Outdoor Learning - Denmark

    ACTIVE Outdoor Learning PP Denmark.pptx


    Outdoor Learning - Malta



    Outdoor Learning - UK


    ACTIVE projectUK.pdf


    Outdoor Learning - Finland

    Ideas for outdoor teaching Erasmus + (2).pptx