└► Rosalía de Castro


    Here is a video prepared by Liceo Classico "S. G. Calasanzio", Carcare (SV) showing a short biography of Rosalía de Castro.


    You can find more information about Rosalía here:


    Rosalía de Castro (b. 1837, d. 1885) is the unquestioned poet laureate of Galicia. Highly educated, expected to speak and write in Spanish only, she took the bold, unconventional step of writing her early poems in the Galician language. Her defiance earned her the contempt and spite of that segment of the population for whom Galician was a dialect fit only for the illiterate and the churlish, but De Castro's gallant gesture won her the love and admiration of the rest.


    Streets, schools, libraries, cultural associations, prizes, public parks, sports teams, monuments, a theater, restaurants, a label of white wine, hotels, rural lodgings, a banknote, a postage stamp, a FS98 Iberia Airbus A340 and a sea rescue plane have been named after her. The Asociación de Escritoras e Escritores en Lingua Galega (Association of Writers in the Galician Language) organizes acts of remembrance yearly.



    In the year 1947 the Fundación Rosalía de Castro (Rosalía de Castro Foundation) was born with the express goal of purchasing De Castro's last residence and of perpetuating her memory and literary legacy. The arduous task of the real-estate acquisition dragged on until 1971, but at length the rehabilitated house opened to the general public as a house-museum on July 15, 1972.

    Taken from: http://www.rosalia–de–castro.webs.com/Archives/Poems.html#Poem4




    Rosalía de Castro (1837 - 1885) é unha poeta laureada incuestionablemente de Galicia. Cunha boa educación e esperándose dela que falase e escribise só español, tivo a valentía e dou un paso non convencional de escribir os seus primeiros poemas en galego. O seu desafío fixo que gañase o desprezo e o rancor dun segmento da poboación para os que o galego era un dialecto usado por analfabetos e persoas maleducadas, pero a valentía de Rosalía fixo que gañase o corazón e admiración do resto.


    Rúas, escolas, bibliotecas, asociacións culturais, premios, parques públicos, equipos de deporte, monumentos, un teatro, restaurantes, unha marca de viño branco, hoteis, hostais rurais, un billete, un selo de correos, un FS98 Iberia Airbus A340 e un avión de rescate marítimo levan o seu nome. A asociación de Escritoras e Escritores en Lingua Galega organizan actos anuais na súa lembranza.


    No ano 1947, nace a Fundación Rosalía de Castro co obxectivo de comprar a súa última residencia e perpetuar a súa memoria e legado literario. A árdua tarefa da adquisición dos seus bens inmobles arrastrouse ata 1971, pero finalmente a casa rehabilitada abriuse ao público xeral como casa museo o 15 de xullo de 1972.

    Taken from: http://www.rosalia–de–castro.webs.com/Archives/Poems.html#Poem4