Partner Presentations and Workshops

  • Partner presentations during Portugal Virtual Meeting

    Poland - All Saint's Day
    Portugal - Our Lady
    Poland - Easter in Sulmierzyce
    Poland - Fireghter's Day
    Poland - Harvest Festival
    Poland - Patronal Feast
    Poland - Wise Men
    Ramadan Feast
    The Feast of Sacrifice
    27th Night Of Ramadan - Qadr
    Turkey- Pastel de Nata Virtual Mobility
    Peddy Paper Esposende Google Forms
    Pastel de Nata Workshop
    Visit Porto Scape Room
    Eça de Queirós
    Biblioteca Boaventura
    Pastel de Nata Gastronomy
    Our Lady Boat
    Festivity of S. Bartolomeu do Mar
    portugal virtual meeting
    Lithuania- Jonines
    Lithuania- Užgavėnės