Logo Contest
The “Smart Schools for Smart Ages”, Eramus + project, presents a contest to create the logo that constitutes its identifying symbol.
This contest aims to select the logo of the project to be used in documents, forms and publicity materials, in web pages, multimedia products and other media.
a) The competition is open to all the students of the partner schools of the Eramus + project.
b) One can compete individually or as a team and may submit more than one proposal.
c) Competitors are responsible for the originality of the works presented, guarantee their authorship and assume all the responsibility for claims of others as far as authorship rights and other concerned connected rights.
d) The tenderers accept the transfer, in favor of the Erasmus project, of the copyright related to their proposal.
(e) By participating in the competition, tenderers shall declare that they are aware of and accept this Regulation.
The logo must necessarily include the following designations:
a) Flags of the partner countries - Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal and Turkey;
b) Reference to the name of project.
The logo may include the following optional designations:
a) 2018/2020 (duration of the project);
b) Erasmus +;
c) Flag of the European Union.
Each partner country will pre-select three logos to be submitted for the competition, which should be made available in digital format, jpg file. Each logo presented should consist of:
a) Identification of the author(s) - school that attends, name(s), year(s) and class(es) and age(s);
b) Descriptive memory of the work - text that describes the logo, the creative process and the references in it;
c) The color logo shall comply with the maximum dimensions of 10 cm x 10 cm and minimum dimensions of 5 cm X 5 cm.
It is up to each partner country to select the proposals which are in conformity with the competition rules.
Each partner country will send the three selected logos to the contest partner - Bulgaria - in digital support jpg.
The deadline for submission of proposals is 23:59 on January 4, 2019, and proposals submitted after that date will not be accepted.
Once the proposals has been submitted, competitors are deemed to know and accept all clauses of this Regulation.
The submitted works will be announced for voting and final selection in digital support, in color, anonymously, only identified with a conventional number assigned by the country responsible for the contest.
The proposals will be evaluated, in each partner country, by a Jury of six elements, consisting of:
1 Student Representative;
1 Representative of the Parents/ Students Representative;
1 Operational Assistants' Representative;
3 Teachers' Representatives.
The evaluation made by each partner will take into account the following criteria:
- Creativity, quality and appropriateness to the theme;
- Readability and good visibility in digital environments;
- Good graphic reproduction capability;
- Ease of reducing / enlarging formats.
- Ease and flexibility in adapting to project needs.
The evaluation methodology and logo selection will be done in a Google form created for this purpose and sent to each country by email. This voting will take place in the last week of January 2019. The results will be published on the website and etwinning platform.