Poland Maths Lessons

  • Maths Lessons

    Pi number
    Phenomena Lesson
    Irrational Number Lesson
    Lesson 6
    Lesson 4 - Polygons
    Lesson 3 - Pyramids
    Lesson 2 - Phytagorean Theorem
    Lesson 1 -Regular Polygons
    Day of Number Pi
    written calculation
    type of pyramid
    the value of the pyramid
    straight and section
    section in the pyramid
    maths lessons2
    maths lesson teacher Anna Harych
    lesson1- mutual position of the straight lines-
    dividing-dzielenie sposobem pisemnym 4a
    2.percentages-procenty 6a
    1. what percentage is that - Jaki to procent? 6a
    23. Multiples of natural numbers
    22. Triangla condition
    21, Coordinate system
    20.Twierdzenie Pitagorasa
    19. Equation solving
    18. the power with the natural exponent
    17. Percentage calculations - increases and reductions
    Calendar and time
    15. Way, practical calculations
    14. What are algebraic expressions
    13. Height of an equilateral triangle
    Advent calendar grade 6,7,8
    zadania z wykresem - Zuzia Zielezińska
    Zagadka 2 wstęp do powtórki - revision
    mnożenie i dzielenie
    4.maths lesson - The fields of polygons
    3. maths lesson - The kind of pyramid
    2. maths lesson - Phytagorean Theorem
    1. maths leson The regular polygons
    presentation- Day of number Pi