In the first months of the project various dissemination activities have been implemented. Their main communication goal was first of all to raise awareness of the project (topics and main activities). In all the partner schools meetings with students, teachers and parents have been carried out, an Erasmus+ corner has been set up and updated frequently in order to illustrate the project activities to the school community.
After the first few months, each school has expanded its range of action in order to spread the news about the project more easily and widely using different communication channels and tools, such as: the school website, the school blog, some social media: Facebook, Youtube, WhatsApp… All these tools allowed the partner schools to reach their local community and a wider audience.
The main “official” communication tools are Twinspace which collects and describes the main activities and results of the project in English and all the partner schools’ websites which have the same goal but using the language spoken in their own countries.
Throughout the project, press articles have been posted on the news section of the partners’ websites and published in the local press in order to reach the local community. Before and after all the mobilities, meetings and interviews with parents, students and teachers, video documentation, have been carried out and dissemination has been implemented in different ways: radio programs, concerts and exhibitions, without forgetting the participation to different meetings with local authorities. The attendance to these events has allowed students and teachers of the partner schools to present and describe the common products and activities carried out.
During the project, issues to the integration of SEN students were addressed in collaboration with local partner organisations in the field of social assistance in each country. This collaboration and all the activities carried out have allowed an appreciable dissemination of the project also in this particular field. Finally, dissemination has been carried out also by using apps, composing music, lyrics, brochures, flyers promotional videos and the final exhibition “I will be found” is another way of disseminating the main goals of the project.
In the last phase of the project and during its extension period, all the partner schools prepared dissemination activities mainly from a distance due to the pandemic . Even the last meeting has been carried out virtually.