Evaluation of C2

  • To evaluate the second Teaching, Training and Learning Activity C2 on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Tourism, we carried out two surveys:

    • the Students' Evaluation survey using Google Forms by means of an online questionnaire shared on Google Drive. To view the questionnaire and a summary of the responses of the students, please click here:


    This is the evaluation report based on the students' responses to the above  questionnaire

    C2 evaluation report.docx.pdf

    • the Teachers' Evaluation survey which involved giving full answers to questions related to the criteria set for the evaluation of each meeting. The spreadsheet with the responses is here:



    Additionally. the organisers of this activity from our partner school in Spain made arrangements for the students who participated in the meeting to create an Evaluation Poster with their comments on various aspects of the meeting.

    In this way, this Learning, Teaching and Training Activity was evaluated in a qualitative way, as well!