Virtual activity C5 hosted by the school in Matera

  • Our first virtual mobility aimed at sharing Art masterpieces as well as sustainable Urban Planning practices across our countries. It took place over a year after the previous one due to the force majeure related to the CoVid19 pandemic. The teachers had been meeting online regularly discussing the pros and cons of converting this and the next activity into virtual ones.

    The students had prepared presentations beforehand and worked on common products at the meeting. The host school started the daily sessions with an ice-breaking activity. Italian students presented a typical Italian gesture a day for the guest students to guess its meaning. Here are the videos artistically created by the host school students! Italian Gestures to guess their meaning

    The meeting opened with presentations of the local school focusing on Art made by the students Liceo Artistico in Matera and the city of Matera focusing on its rich history and unique urban planning, which have made it earn the distinction of EUROPEAN CAPITAL of CULTURE.

    On the first two days we shared our presentations on Art and Urban Planning.


    We also started interacting on a Padlet created by the hosts. Each participant could add posts about sustainable cities in their country, local festivals, Art and folklore in their cities. Tu sei la piu bella del mondo!

    On the third day we all created Posters for the meeting using Canvas under the instructions of the Turkish school teachers. We also shared info about cities in our countries that have been declared European Capitals of Culture and on films shot in different sets in our countries. 

    On the fourth day all participants answered a Quiz on Art across our countries made by the Greek team aiming at recognizing the culture of origin of the masterpieces that featured in the partner schools’ presentations. Plus, students jointly created a Quiz on Urban Planning aiming at identifying sustainable from unsustainable practices in the world. To celebrate Earth Day (on April 22) we did several environmental awareness raising activities on the Padlet.

    On the last day students and teachers evaluated the activities and the results of this meeting on two different evaluation questionnaires.

    Student Evaluation of the meeting and Teacher Evaluation of the meeting

    The Italian school saw us off with a surprise: they had invited their students who had participated in previous meetings and graduated meanwhile to greet their peers from the partner schools and talk about the benefits of having participated in this project. This virtual mobility was closed with us all singing the Karaoke version of a pop song “Isn’t she lovely?” which was dedicated to our cities and, of course, our mother Earth.