Evaluation of C6

  • The evaluation report on this meeting revealed that the participating students have benefited in various ways. First, they appreciated being given the opportunity to cooperate in international teams for long enough to be able to develop foreign language, communication, cooperation and negotiation skills. Plus, they felt that this activity has helped them to further enhance their critical thinking and evaluation skills, research and presentation skills, their digital skills in general and their creativity.

    It was also reported that the students in all three workshops have better understood the concepts of Sustainable Architecture and Sustainable Tourism. More importantly, they have become better aware of Environmental issues across Europe and better able to understand the political and economic factors that have contributed to them. Some also mentioned becoming motivated to seek and promote more sustainable solutions in transport, tourism and daily life. Therefore, another important benefit for the participants in this activity seemed to be the strengthening of their European identity and active citizenship.

    What all students enjoyed most were the videos created at the workshop on Life after Corona, which boosted not only the creativity of the ones who had joined that workshop but also the awareness of the implications of the pandemic on various fields of human activity. Interestingly, it was assumed by all students who worked on this topic that the health crisis would make people appreciate nature and culture and seek out sustainable ways of protecting them from overconsumption and the destruction of natural ecosystems.