Evaluation of the C5 activity

  • In their evaluation of this meeting the students reported various benefits. First, regarding the macro goals of the project, this  activity further enhanced their sense of European identity and awareness of our common European cultural heritage.

    It also helped them discover and appreciate more deeply Art masterpieces from their own countries as well as across our counties. Besides, they became familiar with the concept of Sustainable Urban Planning and realised its key role in the cities of the future. Their work for this meeting also enabled them to identify traditional practices that are worth preserving. 

    As for the macro-skills this activity helped them further develop, it was reported that they saw only a slight improvement in their foreign language communication and presentation skills as well as in their digital skills. Perhaps this was because we had not been adequately prepared for converting this activity into a virtual one and therefore not explored the vast range of digital tools and applications for interaction and cooperation.

    Cooperating on the Padlet was regarded by most of the respondents as ‘quite helpful’ but also ‘rather boring’. Generally, the vast majority reported this virtual activity having been for them far less enjoyable than a physical one.

    The feature that was highly appreciated by all participants as the most enjoyable one was the ice-breaking activities. Another asset of this meeting were the video presentations which some schools chose to replace the slides presentations with; thereby boosting their digital skills and creativity. Last, the Quizzes on the knowledge just acquired at the meeting have been appreciated as very useful tools to consolidate and assess knowledge.
    Interestingly, it was admitted by both students and teachers participating in this meeting that the goals of the meeting were met despite the lack of face-to-face interaction and this new attitude of adaptability to adverse situations is a great benefit by itself.