Paul Ursuța, Romania

  • Paul Ursuța, Romania

        Paul is a professor of geography. He graduated from the Faculty of Geography in Timisoara, then did in-depth university studies in the field of sustainable organization and development of the territory. He started his teaching career in 2003. He taught at the high school and secondary school level, at the moment being a teacher at the Gymnasium School No.4, Vulcan.

          In the didactic activity he combined geography with ICT, to make the discipline more attractive and in step with modern education. He has developed a number of websites in the field of education, digital mapping (GIS), published specialized scientific articles, prepared and obtained mentions and prizes with students at geography contests and Olympics, is part of the Geography Society of Romania, being a member of various specialized county commissions.

       He is passionate about photography, GIS, art (music, painting, architecture) and travel. He is, from 2017, the coordinator of European projects and programs of the school. He wants to learn new things, being an explorer in the broad sense of the word.


    Paul is the Romanian coordinator of this Erasmus+ project. He will be leading the second mobility:

    "On the edge of Science & Math" in Romania


    Manuela Correia - PT Sari Kallio - FI Paul Ursuta - RO Christine Oulousidou - GR
    Marta Ignacik- PL Jolanta Arciszewska, PL Sabrina Behrens - DE NAVIGATION CHART